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***GTX 780 Ti Owners Thread***

Man of Honour
4 Jul 2008
Well that's a lot more impressive than my Ti classified matey. I'm not having a great time with mine to be honest.

At 1.212v mine is bench stable at 1220Mhz but requires 1.25v to be game stable. It needs 1.35v to reach 1250mhz and even then it artifacts.

So it seems stuck for now at 1220 / 7900

What do you guys think? My titan reaches 1180mhz with stock volts.
I would have thought the classifed would be able to reach more than this.

I bet most ref Ti's could reach higher clocks than mine?

Probably just the low end of the "Classified" spectrum. Unlucky matey :(
4 Jul 2008
Belfast, N.Ireland
Yes they are all the same. At stock it ran pretty quiet (downclocks to 350mhz core) so would be fine for film etc. Overclocked in games or benchmarks you can hear it, but not over the speakers. If you want it for films / music make a second underclocked profile with temp set low as the priority maybe?

Thanks Buddy! I have just ordered an EVGA I should hopefully have it tomorrow :D I can't wait to fit this in my EVGA Hadron Air Case going to have a super powerful M-ITX system :)
22 Sep 2005
Probably just the low end of the "Classified" spectrum. Unlucky matey :(

LOL, tell me about it

To say I am disappointed would be an understatement.
Tried up to 1.4 Volts and it still will not go past 1220mhz.

Temps are not the issue either as it runs 65 to 75 depending on volts

I could achieve 1180mhz with stock voltage / bios.
Could anything be wrong with it or have I just got the short straw?

Seems most are getting 1250 to 1300 with 1.212v
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7 Dec 2002
Frauenfeld, Switzerland
LOL, tell me about it

To say I am disappointed would be an understatement.
Tried up to 1.4 Volts and it still will not go past 1220mhz.

Temps are not the issue either as it runs 65 to 75 depending on volts

I could achieve 1180mhz with stock voltage / bios.
Could anything be wrong with it or have I just got the shirt straw?

Seems most are getting 1250 to 1300 with 1.212v

Noob suggestion from me but have you tried a smaller memory clock to see if that helps the core? Also, according to a review I read on Anandtech, some cards don't benefit from a voltage boost as they need to reach a predetermined step up in the voltage before it gets applied. If you are using EVGA precision, can you post some images of your settings screen?
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Man of Honour
4 Jul 2008
LOL, tell me about it

To say I am disappointed would be an understatement.
Tried up to 1.4 Volts and it still will not go past 1220mhz.

Temps are not the issue either as it runs 65 to 75 depending on volts

I could achieve 1180mhz with stock voltage / bios.
Could anything be wrong with it or have I just got the short straw?

Seems most are getting 1250 to 1300 with 1.212v

Maybe it's a bad bios, is there a different one you can try?
20 Jul 2012
Well that's a lot more impressive than my Ti classified matey. I'm not having a great time with mine to be honest.

At 1.212v mine is bench stable at 1220Mhz but requires 1.25v to be game stable. It needs 1.35v to reach 1250mhz and even then it artifacts.

So it seems stuck for now at 1220 / 7900

What do you guys think? My titan reaches 1180mhz with stock volts.
I would have thought the classifed would be able to reach more than this.

I bet most ref Ti's could reach higher clocks than mine?

Almost exactly the same as my 780 classy was mate, mine was a little worse. I share those feels.
Meanwhile my ref ti that I got yesterday seems to be stable way over 1200mhz :o
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5 Sep 2011
I normally just whine for a bit and then grin and bear it. Don't overclock when gaming any who. Certainly wouldn't go to the lengths above :D.

my 680 4GB Classy decided to explode before I took it very far lol
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