Guess who's back?

So does it look like its all running as it should be?

looks good to me, although since last night you've not uploaded any work, don't know how long you fold for but if you only part fold a unit then finish it of the next day the quick return bonus will reduce the points you get quite abit
I left it running overnight but woke up this morning to find a nice big fat bsod. So I've reset all my over clocks and started my folding again. Fingers crossed its stable now
I had found that once you get core 17 any overclock with AMD cards just cocks it all up, I also get freeze / crashes so leave it at standard clocks now, my gtx970 on the otherhand was at 1500mhz without any problems. core 0x21 seems fine with a little overclock
I was originally running 4.6 but folding crashed it so took it back down. I'll get one wu done at stock and clock up from there. Finally running a lot smoother now... Touch wood.
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