Guild Wars 2

Anyone know how to make a low lvl (45) reinforced armour? I see 'reinforced' armour in the AH every now and again but cannot find anywhere that tells you how its made. Might be a drop only. I see that when you start making 'cleric' and 'explorers' armour at 275 crafting level you then make that as 'reinforced' but i cant find how to do it at lower levels.
Not sure its possible. Anyone know different?
best way i found to make gold is to craft rare amours with vit and power. i can buy all the mats and make three times the amount i paid as profit. buy mats at custom price you get them a lot cheaper and almost always get them sent to you straight away. check you havnt been out bit on your custom order.
I finished the quest too. Also had a bit of help from wiki as to the where about of one of the pages.
Loving the trick or treat doors, also like how you can see them for miles off, you just have to be quick and get there first.

The fighting thing is a bit naff. Sadly im at work for the next five nights so i wont get much chance to have a decent bash at getting/crafting some of the festive items.

Leveling is much too fast though, while getting my amour crafting from 350 to 400 i gained 2 and a half charactor levels. Kinda pushing me put of the area i was questing in.

The best way to play is go to areas higher than what you are, lvling is much slower and much more rewarding. I feel this game will be a lot better when less people are playing, there will be more grouping and more skill being used.
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I found that if i explored/quested etc in areas 0 to +5 of my level I gained EXP and levels at a much faster and more fun rate than If i played in zones below my level.

It added challenge and so you improve in your skill, drops from monsters are actually often upgrades (at least until you start getting rare/exotic in the late 70s/80)

and the EXP rate for exploration, quests, POIs and kills etc was much higher.

Thats really weird because i found just the opposite. When playing in areas with lower levels than my charactor i was raking up the xp like nobodys business. Being in a harder zone seem to yeld the same xp per kill but at a vastly slower rate.

I have a warrior and an engineer. The engineer can take on mobs a lot higher than his lvl as long as i dont get near to them which is easy with a rifle.
I had a quick go at the clock tower, but have to work nights so i wont get a proper go at it for a while. I watched a few youtube videos and thought that it looked easy, until i tried and saw that the ground behind you disappears! Ill eventually do it but i can see a few hours of anger coming up ;)

Got my leather and armour crafting skills up to 400, just waiting to be able to quest in the areas that have the mats i need. Currently both my toons at lvl 72, but not had time to go questing in the 70-80 areas yet.
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Ive hit lvl 80 with a couple of charactors now. I want to find out what armours look the best, is there any site that shows all the armours including the normal crafted ones for charr?
Im farming globs of ecto and its costly, but im trying to get enough to make berserker emblazoned armour. I have no idea what that will look like either, but its got good stats.
So I just got my Elementalist to lvl80 and I'm trying to decide what to do next.
I spend most of my time solo, so which do you think would be the most fun:


Cant really give you a divinitive answer, but i know my engineer can stand up to far more than my warrior. With so many turrets and push back skills nothing touches me.
I never play anything else. 400 hours in i have two 80s and one 40, not touched PvP or dungeons yet. Ive got a lot more miles to go yet. This thread my seem a bit quiet but that because everyone is too busy playing the game to post about it!
Hey guys, I was in beta and played this game for a few weeks after launch but quickly stopped playing because it just felt so lonely :(.

Lonely from lack of players or from people not talking?
Blacktide is heaving and has been since launch day, annoyingly so at times, but im not one to complain.
If they made it like gw1, people will moan and say its just gw1 with updated graphics.

i like what they have done. who wants a COD style sequal ie, sprinkle a few new maps and call it the next sequal?

Not what i want. i want a sequal to be different to the previous game in as many ways as it can be instead of applying a new lick of paint so to speak.

What they have done on this game is quite frankly amazing.

This game is a masterpiece IMO.

Also he is saying that GW1 had a more active player base. But i think he is forgetting that you only saw other players in the town areas, so everyone is grouped in a few areas. GW2 doesnt play like that everyone is everywhere. Not seen any decline, sometime i got to the started areas to complete the last few points on a daily and they are still full up.
so finally hit 80 then I find out my final personal story is a group dungeon quest? wtf and no one seems to be doing it or wanting to do it , apart from that I have no idea what I should be doing at 80 since I just wanted to level asap and haven't even done a single dungeon yet

Didn't take me too long to find a group. Its not really a hard dungeon, and quite quick... but its awesome.
Why did you want to get to 80 fast? Personally I thought the lvling was far, far too quick, I tried to slow it all down.
Ive not played for a while (secret world took over my mmo time). Has there been any new PvE content added since this whole fire frost thing. I escorted some refugees and lit a few fires buts thats when i gave up.
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