Guild Wars 2

Is it possible to get someone else to run the exe? Only reason i ask is im without a pc for a few days any onky have my fone for internet access
The only ones I didn't quit within two weeks were GW1 and DDO. The combat in them both is massively better than your standard MMO, and I'm very sure that GW2 will be better than them both.

There's liking and not liking other games, then there's fanboism and stating personal preferences as fact, this is odd behaviour, even you must see that.

Like saying GW1 is simply the best online game ever made with zero flaws, instead of, GW1 is simply my most favorite game/mmo I've ever played.
Oh by the way, zero flaws? Come on, really? Every game I've ever played, from childhood to this day, even my most admired games have flaws however minor. I'm not saying I don't think it's possible.

In the perspective of others, not that you should really care, is that you come across as someone you can't have a logical discussion with, without confrontation; whereas the latter shows you understand the nuances of what you say and are willing to understand each to their own.

Basically, some tact is required.

Edit: Just remember I've agreed on many of your points in the past on GW2 and the general gaming population etc, I'm on your side just...yeah, opinions//facts etc.
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GW1 was an excellent game. Looked good, very strong story, wonderful world and excellent combat mechanics.

But the instancing and hero/henchmen mechanic stopped it really being an MMO. The no grind approach was a great idea but one that didnt work perfectly on their first attempt. Many other MMOs have matured now as did GW1 and i think ArenaNet have put a lot more time work and thought into GW2 which will certainly put GW2 a top MMO for years to come. And even if its only as good as TOR and other MMOs, but not better. It is also sub free... So people will play it :D
Could GW2 be the first MMO I haven't quit within 2weeks? cough.. rift...swtor

i skipped rift as i didnt like the beta that i played for all of 30minutes...

swotor lasted me until lvl 35....

every other mmo ive played over about 12 years has easily lasted me a couple of months minimum
SWTOR is already dead isnt it? Like 50 people online on any server at the busiest times?

People bought it, and dropped it fast, just like they did with AoC. More proof that hardly anyone wants to pay the monthly fee on any game other than WoW.
swtor always felt like there were only 50 peolpe online, i barely ever saw anyone in the retail launch yet in beta the servers felt full of life...

i think they spread people out to thin, anyway i think its more to do with swtor not feeling like an mmo that made a lot of people leave it early
I dont understand why no P2P MMO allows free server transfers, or the ability to log your character onto any server you want like GW lets you do. I dont believe that its an expensive option, all the other MMO developers are just too lazy to change / adapt over the boring same old mechanics that keep on being copy pasted in every new game in the genre.
I dont understand why no P2P MMO allows free server transfers, or the ability to log your character onto any server you want like GW lets you do. I dont believe that its an expensive option, all the other MMO developers are just too lazy to change / adapt over the boring same old mechanics that keep on being copy pasted in every new game in the genre.

Runescape does :D hahaha But i totally agree, i'v never understood the characters being locked into a specific server and paying to transfer crap. GW1 had that side of things down perfectly. It stops the first servers being bogged down with end game players and allows a mix of all level types and ages on all and any server. Infact the GW1 server system was, in my opinion, absolutely perfect.
Runescape does :D hahaha But i totally agree, i'v never understood the characters being locked into a specific server and paying to transfer crap. GW1 had that side of things down perfectly. It stops the first servers being bogged down with end game players and allows a mix of all level types and ages on all and any server. Infact the GW1 server system was, in my opinion, absolutely perfect.

If server transfers were there and free in swtor, I'd have paid at least another months sub and everyone else I know would have.

But yeah, maybe they should also stop with the whole server thing and just make it loads of instances with the option to ofcourse, always be able to play with your friends in the same one.

Better than having that friend from work who's on Server1, best friends on Server2, friends on a gaming community on Server3, old clan transfered over and you've just come back to the game on server4, make new friends but they're on server5. It's so old.
Better than having that friend from work who's on Server1, best friends on Server2, friends on a gaming community on Server3, old clan transfered over and you've just come back to the game on server4, make new friends but they're on server5. It's so old.

Exactly, it alienates friends from each other and ultimately stumps peoples interests in the game. An MMO without the friends and multi-player side is just crap :D
Only reason (I can imagine) they insist on servers is an attempt to build a community because you play regularly with other. Vanilla/TBC WoW bring a perfect example of this, though with the emphasis on me, me, me and "do it yourself" solo play in more modern mmo's I don't really see servers being as important as they once were.
Only reason (I can imagine) they insist on servers is an attempt to build a community because you play regularly with other. Vanilla/TBC WoW bring a perfect example of this, though with the emphasis on me, me, me and "do it yourself" solo play in more modern mmo's I don't really see servers being as important as they once were.

But guild wars 2 is encouraging the importance of servers again with WvW. How are server transfers going to work though with WvW that is my only concern. Surely people will swap to the server which dominates in WvW.
Bah browser crashed, I'll write it again but shorter.

Community is what you make of it, I've been through a decade of MMOs to know that in the long run it's better to have a LFG tool for when it's needed. More recently my experience in swtor, all my daily fp runners quit, I'm in my third guild who've all quit, all my friends and my brother quit, the amount of 50s in one location to chat with is the fleet but half of them are afk, under 50, not the right class or spec or don't want to do it.

Trust me, I've done my fair share of pre-dungeon finder tools in anarchy online, but they only had two servers, in it's hayday you'd ALWAYS find someone to do something with and you'd always find them right where you wanted to do it, so you knew who was up for it. This went on for years.

SWTOR has barely scratched past 2 months and comparitive to ALL the other MMOs I've played, it's a ghost town. Now, Ilum has it's populace zerg and a few guilds have 30ish members or so online a lot (hi wab :p) but you cannot take their experience for everyone elses.

But guild wars 2 is encouraging the importance of servers again with WvW. How are server transfers going to work though with WvW that is my only concern. Surely people will swap to the server which dominates in WvW.

Exactly the issue, with WvWvW is that you need to have people in a set place, but why should this stop them from populating all PVE content onto a "everyone shares these instances, regardless of server, but when it's WvWvW you are stuck with the people on your server". Simple. Since the WvW area is seperated and instanced off, this is very possible, it's logical, it harms nobody, promotes more accesibility to multiple circles of online friends, which in turns means more fun. Fun means staying players means possible cash.
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Something I've been thinking of recently is the idea that the removal of "the holy trinity" is a completely positive move for the game (and the MMO genre as a whole), which I can't say I agree with.

The holy trinity certainly has its benefits, most importantly of which is the huge difference in playstyles between tank, dps and healer. Playing a warlock as my main for the first four years of WoW, there was a pretty big learning curve when I started playing a warrior and tanking, and I don't think I ever managed to master healing on my shaman, which is a completely positive thing in my view - there should be a learning curve in a game you spend hundreds of hours playing. If you can make a character and within a couple of hours you're almost as good at playing it as you are the character you've played for 50 hours, there's something wrong with the way the game has been designed.

With the eight professions in GW2 being able to fulfil the DPS and self-healing, as well as tanking in itself being eased out of the equation, there is going to be less diversity in how each one is played - in essence, your role is to kill the enemy and keep yourself alive, with a few buffs thrown in, and whether your attack is throwing a bomb from afar or a sweeping strike with your big hammer, you are doing practically the same thing on paper. In fact, I'd hazard to say that there won't be a bigger difference in playing two of the polar-opposite professions in GW2 - say, a warrior and a mesmer - than there is in playing two different specs of one single class in WoW like a Druid (feral and resto), Shaman (resto and enhancement) or Paladin (holy and prot).

Yes, I'm looking forward to grouping up with whoever, whenever and not having to rely upon certain roles being filled. I like the idea that I've got to dodge and keep myself alive rather than rely on a friend sending me heals, and that a big bad monster isn't going to stand there wailing on one guy with a shield while his 15 friends shoot at it. But the holy trinity is something the most successful MMO games of all time have been built on, not something they work in spite of. Like everybody else here, having not played GW2 yet I can't say for certain if it will be better, worse or simply an alternative for people with different tastes, but I'm sure there will be many players who miss the trinity.
I gotta disagree with you Paddy.

Allowing all classes to fulfill each role has greater advantages than the traditional trinity.

1) Each person in the group still performs a role (tank, dps or healing)
2) Fluid group mechanics, eg: should a group member go down, people can adapt for it and can change roles at will to prevent a wipe.
3) You not waiting for specific roles when assembling groups.
4) Classes themselves offer diverse mechanics. A Mesmer has a totally different way of doing things to a warrior.

Its really down to how you like to play as to what class you wanna play. You not limited by choice, if you favour healing or tanking. Your free to choose you style of play and still perform you favoured role.

How is that not offering greater variety and choice.
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