++Guitar Hero World Tour unoffical thread++

finished this the other day on hard, not sure if im keeping it though as i feel on most songs completely detached and my wife also feels the same as singer.

so might trade in for rock band 2 next week.
I will be trading it in once I finish Expert guitar, if I can bare to. Whilst there are some cracking songs, Re-Education Through Labour being one of them, Everlong another, most of them are rubbish. There was even what sounds like a country and western section! Awful, awful game.
Did you buy the guitar as well Rob?

Kudos to you, creature and Wyrdo for having the patience to even clear career. When Wyrdo first told me it was a struggle I thought he was joking.
Got the full pack yeasterday. Me and my housemates were up all night playing :D

I can see what some peeeps are saying about difficulty etc, but as a multiplayer game with a few beers, I don't think you can go far wrong. We had a blast.

For hardcore guitarist gamers it may be not, but this is a full band game, and I think activision have leant more that direction. I love it personally :)
Ok there are 2 songs i'm struggling with to get passed 4 stars and they are scream aim fire and BYOB

BYOB is not that hard on rock band it really surprised me.

I'm still not 100% certain if this will keep me coming back to it, with Rock Band i'm always going back just to play guitar on it, i'm also the same with GH3 but this i'm not so sure.... I might change my mind in the weekend though when a few mates come round.
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My full package came today, Im getting REALLY annoyed that the "squeak" that the new guitar makes, my god it starts to give me a headache after a few minutes!

How hard does anyone else have to hit the drums to get it to register a hard and soft hit by the way? I think I might have to crack mine open and do that "fix" on them to sort them out. It seems like I have to really whack them
My full package came today, Im getting REALLY annoyed that the "squeak" that the new guitar makes, my god it starts to give me a headache after a few minutes!

I bloody told you that and you doubted me :p I can hear that noise over level 10 on my 5500's seriously. It has a lovely feel to the strum but the noise is the pits.
I'm going to finish the guitar career and ditch this definitely, I can't believe how poor the songs are. I've even stepped down to hard to speed up the process and stop me smashing the guitar against the wall.
I'm going to finish the guitar career and ditch this definitely, I can't believe how poor the songs are. I've even stepped down to hard to speed up the process and stop me smashing the guitar against the wall.


The trouble is when you tell GH fans this they don't believe you. After the success of 2 and 3 it's hard to believe how different it is, how far they have dropped the ball.

Yet you read magazines and they rave about GHWT and even say to get it over RB2. What drugs are these reviewers on.
Would you agree the slider is next to use less as well when you can just use the frets for better accuracy? Its as though they needed to include it but didnt want to copy the rockband lower frets.

The trouble is when you tell GH fans this they don't believe you. After the success of 2 and 3 it's hard to believe how different it is, how far they have dropped the ball.

Yet you read magazines and they rave about GHWT and even say to get it over RB2. What drugs are these reviewers on.

USD - quite an old drug from the sounds of things :(

Notice how GHWT has tons of artists on video no less saying how this game is the most awesome thing ever?

Wonder how much that cost Activision/Neversoft...
Is there anyway to fix the squeak? Perhaps open the guitar up? There are no screws in the back though which is a problem - I was hoping to just spray some WD40 on whatevers making the noise cos I cant stand it.

I don't like the feel of strum either, much prefer the les paul

I know I opened mine up on webcam for mates to see. They couldnt believe how big it is.

The guitar has a annoying squeak but its built really well. Really like it and will be selling my les paul because I think it's ass.

Drums are awesome. Had no problems with them yet.

Songs... pretty boring at the moment. But there are some killers like Beat it and Motorhead.

Loving it so far anyway.
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