GVT- Great Volume Trauma

22 Oct 2004
German Volume Training, never done it before but it looks quite deadly compared to my previous lifting experiences, stronglifts/madcow.
Even though the weight aint great (doesn't need to be) the volume is what its all about. Its gonna be a killer to me as im used to my 5x5, now its at 10x10.
So ill be changing the program to 3 days instead of 5, but I really don't think im gonna be missing out. Days off will be much needed recovery and eating like a horse.
So heres the program:

Squats 10X10
Deficit Bulgarian Split Squats (dumbells) 10x10
DB Lunges 3x10
DB Side Raises 3x10

Bench 10x10
Rows 10x10
Dips 3x10
DB Push Press 3x10

Deadlift 3x10
OHP 10x10
Romanian Deadlift 10x10

Rest between sets 1 minute
Rest between the two different exercises 90 seconds

Assistance work will be dips/pullups/lat raises etc and maybe a super set combo. And ill be doing some core work at the end if I can manage it ;)
I start tomorrow on day 2 session as I already trained yesterday. Im looking forward to it...

Link to GVT and AGVT
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You and freefaller are both insane. RIP.

Thanks, don't think I could be compared to him though, he's French...and also a beast compared to me.
Did get some good advice from him, I may have to change the deadlift to 3x10 as doing a 100 reps of deadlift is gonna be too brutal. But I will be doing Romanian deadlift on the same session as an accessory exercise.
I think this is much better, RDL x100 is going to be really good, but really tough, but good accessory to deads.

Be modest initially with your weights. Don't try and be stupid like me and do 10-15tonnes a session! :p

Ok does this day look good to you now:

Deadlift 3x10
OHP 10x10
Rdeadlift 10x10

Cant believe I changed the RDL to 10x10, im gonna die.

Yeah ego will be left out the door and the weights will be light.
Yup - see how you go. Don't worry about dropping RDLs down a bit if it gets too tough.

You'll want some accessory work for shoulders too.

Could you suggest some and what days do you think I should do them on, looking at my program?
Thanks for your advice its been top notch:)

Would changing accessory exercise every couple weeks or so be a good idea aswell?
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Shoulder stuff I like to vary, but some cable or DB side raises are good. DB push press or seated backless DB shoulder press. YTWs are good for a warm up and mobility.

Ok ive added two shoulder exercises onto my program, I think its looking pretty finalised now. Didn't add anything extra onto my deadlift day as that's looking pretty damn meaty in itself.

Wish me luck everyone tomorrow I start on the bench day, I hate bench its my weakest. But I hope this program will change that.
Lolz@ 100 reps of RDL.

PMSL@ 100 reps of deficit Bulgarian split squats.

Dude - you're going to wind up with the biggest wheels ever fitted into trackie bottoms. :D

Hope so dude, I may end up dead in the process. Think its gonna be kinda interesting on leg day coming out of the gym and trying to get my leg over the motorbike:D
My meals are pretty good, but im not much of a snacker. I usually eat peanut butter and mixed nuts (almonds etc) and that's it really.

Just got off musclefood and bought some nice meaty snacks, expect pics of my meat soon.
Yeah kinda guess he was, naughty man. I eat pretty much all whole foods, made from scratch, no ding dinners for me:)
Had steak today infact:)
It might be worth me checking my weight every so often see how much I put on, but I usally go by the mirror.

Edit: 85.6kg
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I'm actually quite excited to do this. I know if I do it and get all the reps and sets and eat loads ill be getting gains.
Havent felt this motivated since I very first started stronglifts and could see I was smashing squat PBs:)

I remember a saying Train like a Demon, Eat like a Horse and sleep like a baby. I think that's pretty accurate to follow.
I do sleep about 8+ hours, 7 if Its a bad day. Eating, ill work on and try to consume more. And training well, lets see what the GVT lark is about :)
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Well im back from the gym. My god that was very hard, aint felt like this in along time. The weights were light but the amount of reps were very testing. Going from programs that were 5x5 to this 10x10 I knew this was gonna be hard...didn't realise it would be brutal. Heres how it went...

Bench 10x10
Sets 1-5@40kg set 5 I managed 8 reps so I put the weight down to 37kg
sets 6-10@37kg set 6 I managed to get the 10 reps but after that I was getting 8-9reps. Last set I did the 10, it wasn't pretty.

Rows 10x10
17kg no problem absolutely fine, I will be going up next week.
Dips 3x10
Just no..I think I may have to have this exercise before the rows. I managed 5 reps, 3reps then 2 reps. Just couldn't lift myself up. On my madcow program I would have done it, but the bench and rows zapped me.

DB Side raises 3x10
Done this exercise instead of push press by mistake, nevermind. Anyway tried it with 10kg managed all the sets but it wasn't very good form, may have to go to 7.5kg.

Managed a very poor core workout at the end, before I walked out.
Bit disappointed with myself thought I was stronger than that, even though my bench days were always my weakest I didn't think it would be that bad. Nevermind after a few months it should start to look pretty good, hopefully.
Sat here now with glass of milk, mixed nuts and some peanut butter on bread. My arms feel weak. Its all good, still smiling and I look forward to Friday.
From what I can gather its more important to get the reps rather than the weight. So priority is to get those full 10x10, so yep the weight will be dropping.
For dips I may go back to using one of there bands to help me.
Controlled negatives what does that mean exactly. Say for example benching bringing the bar back down in a slow controlled manner then bursting up with power to the top again?
Another fubar session, still recovering from incredible DOMs from Wednesday session I knew it was gonna be a challenge.

Deadlift 3x10@80kg may of been a little too light, it shall be going up next week.
OHP 10x10 I went in very light at 30kg, couldn't do the first set only managed 8 reps. Tried again for another two sets, but it got worse. Took all the weight off and just done the bar (20kg) and that was fine until the last set where I managed 8 reps.
RDL 10x10@40kg I was actually pretty ok with these for the first time trying them. The weight will have to go up.

So im home eating my peanut butter and mixed nuts, washed down with milk again yum yum. My musclefood delivery will be here today, so expect pictures of my meat.
My muclefood came, damn camera aint working properly.

Bought 30 bags of Lean Biltong, just finished a bag quite tasty actually. Slight vinegar taste to it, but others have said the same thing.
Video of rdl???? Make sure you aren't rounding before going too crazy, same with deadlifts.

No videos but I was quite conscious of rounding the back. Ive done deadlifting for a few years now, so I think my form is good. I found with RDL as the bar goes down, you stick your butt out more and that helps keep your back quite strict.

Don't be disheartened about OHP, it can be a bugger of an exercise.
Aint that the truth.

Biltong is usually washed/marinated with vinegar so that isn't too surprising.
Yep, its still tasty though :)

Glute pain inbound :D
We shall see...
Squats 10X10 80kg all fine weight going up.
Deficit Bulgarian Split Squats (dumbells) 10x10 Mother of god what did I just put myself through. Started off with 10kg got to set 4 and had to put the dumbells down and finsh the set without no weight. Picked up the 7.5kg and finished the remaining 6 sets, I was destroyed at the end.
DB Lunges 3x10 10kg not that bad tbh especially after having about 2mins rest after that gruelling BSS. Weight will be going up.
DB Side Raises 3x10 7.5 slow and controlled felt awesome on my shoulders. Might keep the same weight again.

Pretty happy with me keeping the rest times to 1min between sets for the majority of the time. Sometimes I added an extra 20 seconds but I needed it.
Tomorrow Im back in the gym to do my bench session.
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