GVT- Great Volume Trauma

This week will be a little messed up as I have lots of night shifts this week only. And I don't get on with them so im not sure how my gym time this week will be.
I will get tomorrows session done, but im not quite sure about my deadlift session.
Bench 10x10 40kg- Sets up to 7 were fine onwards the reps started to go down..
Rows 10x10 25kg Now its getting difficult gonna keep the weight one more week then try heavier after that.
Pressups 3x10 Kept the 3 sets I was a bit zonked from the previous 2 exercises.
DB Push Press 3x10 Still feels quite heavy but I do manage my sets.
Squats 10X10 90kg Found it quite hard but still gonna up it.
Deficit Bulgarian Split Squats (dumbells) 10x10 7kg Think I will up the weight now
DB Lunges 3x10 12kg forgot to up it, so ill make sure ill do it next week
DB Side Raises 3x10 10kg happy to leave it at that.
Bench 10x10 40kg- I struggled at set 6, got my 10 sets done.
Rows 10x10 25kg Going up next week.
Pressups 3x10 Kept the 3 sets but with 30 second rest instead of 1 minute
DB Push Press 3x10 Still feels quite heavy but I do manage my sets.
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Week 6
Day 3
Deadlift 3x10@92kg Up next week
OHP 10x10 Put some weight on the bar.
RDL 10x10@50kg felt okay going up next week.
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Dammit guys, ive put my back out doing squats. I just started set 7 as I went down, I heard a crunch in my lower back. Managed to rerack it and walk out the gym. So much pain. Ive done it before quite a few times. Gonna take a week to heal like usual. Just gonna rewatch some videos in the form thread, IDIOT :(

I know how I done it, I sort of race through the sets, just dropping myself down too quickly and maybe I stick my butt out too much, then crunch.
Ill be fine guys, just a week off im sure.
As soon as I can move, ill get a video up. Is that something I can show you guys without being in the gym, say with just holding a broom or something and showing the movement?
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