***Gym Exercise Guide, and Form Discussion/Feedback***

Great threa really useful already picked upon a couple of tweaks I need to make to movements I thought I had nailed.

The ab roll out is especially useful as its very east to do these wrong without realising it!
RDL link broken bro, but other than that not bad.

Potentially worth having things like box squat, deficit dead, rack pulls etc just for fullness but I imagine you will already have plans for that stuff :).
Those "So you think you can" series look really good, I didn't spot them in the OP :p! Cheers.
Fixed/added some more, thanks guys. RDL link refused to get edited last time :/

Post up some suggestions for the more advanced stuff, I think that would go in it's own "Powerlifting" section perhaps.
I could use some resources for powerlifting. Like speed/paused reps, bands, deficits, etc.
They have a couple of deadlift vids too but the 'So You Think...' one is still on their 'to do' list. Beasts, the lot of them, even if they wear fliplops in the gym lol.
I feel like that's missing something but I can't put my finger on what :/.

I would also add keep the elbows close into the body don't let them flare out, very important not to flare.
I'd imagine the elbows should be in line (or as close as possible) with the bars?

I mainly worried about the shoulders.
I'll put that in along with the mwod dip episode later.

Sigma, worrying about shoulders also means worrying about what your elbows are doing.
Ref Planks, we used to hold them for as long as possible ideally 3 mins if you could. I don't think we focussed like you have mentioned!!


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