As title, what to try now?
As title, what to try now?
exor, as much as this sickens me, I may try debian again lol.
I have no idea why you would want to use Debian over Ubuntu
ok attributed the reason as to why I have been cursing Arch linux......
drum roll....
its because kde4.2/kdemod4.2 is so poor its laughable!!
Uninstalled kdemod and currently downloading trusty Gnome.
I also switched to Gnome on Arch when KDE 4 hit the repos (it was/is a disaster!), but Arch rules
Oxy, OpenSUSE is KDE based do you think OpenSUSE is poor because of this? The reason I ask is I'm considering going for OpenSUSE.
Will opensuse be your first linux experience?
On the desktop front yes. I had a look at Ubuntu although not sure why I just didn't like it. I wouldn't mind giving Arch a go although what worries me will it pick up my laptop drivers (wireless, etc)?