Had a big-ish accident last week

I know all about metal plates, screws and pins in a limb. After a substantial 'get off' in 1990 where I had half a Meccano set fitted to my right Femur I can emphasise with your description of not being able to bend your arm. It will come back in time, keep at it and do exercise it regularly as well as taking heed of any instructions your physio gives you. I found swimming and cycling were absolutely superb during my recuperation but your mileage may vary - I needed a low impact form of exercise so running was definitely out. I still only have @96% full flexion in my right leg at the knee joint, for example, I can't fully bend it to kneel down on my hunkers completely. Hasn't stopped me from doing anything though and nor has it affected my work ( full time crew manager in the fire service ).

You will go through stages where you are utterly, utterly peed off about things and just wish things would hurry up but this soon passes. Best of luck with your recovery!!. :)
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