Had enough.

I gather this isn't the case with your system, as I remember there being issues which caused a tingling sensation when touching the case, but don't forget that the main cause of shocks from metal cased equipment, is the person themselves.

If you drag your feet over carpet, wear the polyester clothes comb your hair etc. before touching the earthed case, you will discharge yourself through the case. This will be felt as a zap sensation.

If it feels like a tingle, it's normally an earthing issue.

I seem to remember the issue of charged cases being caused by cheap extension cables, so it might be worth checking that as well. I remember having the issue with my laptop, but I swapped the extension cable it was plugged into, and the issue went away.
If you drag your feet over carpet, wear the polyester clothes comb your hair etc. before touching the earthed case, you will discharge yourself through the case. This will be felt as a zap sensation.
Laptops aren't earthed though, it shouldn't make a difference.
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