You get the achievement instantly in most cases, I think the only one you have to complete the level with in your hand in the IWHBYD skull after you have jumped through the rings in order to make it appear
I didn't say you had to keep hold of it.
You get the achievement instantly in most cases, I think the only one you have to complete the level with in your hand in the IWHBYD skull after you have jumped through the rings in order to make it appear
I didn't say you had to keep hold of it.
When does the old map pack become free?
I remember reading about it becoming free a few months later?
Aside from the April 15th date meaning more new maps coming to Halo 3, it also means the Heroic Maps are going to be free as of March 25th at 2 a.m. Pacific.
I started legend mode the other day with brother.. not too hard
Took us around 3 hours play time to get to 7th mission, think i'll play rest when he comes round again x.o
On they said they have no plans for making the legendary map free could this mean its the lst map pack they will release for halo 3?
It's quite easy in coop. I was disappointed that they didn't scale the difficulty based on the number of players.
That's what skulls are for
I have found all the terminals(missed on on our play thru due to a team memeber running ahead)
Went back and found it today (2nd one on the Ark) but no achievement. We have been waiting till the screen goes red before exiting and then going on to finish the level. I have read you need to wait for screen to go red, however you can wait longer and the 'fragment end' message comes up.
Do I have to wait that long on each or do i need to go to the final terminal?
Any help would be great