HALO 3 Official Thread

I was in london today (just got back) and out drinking yesterday so it's just the 2 nights without SC :p

I meant it only lasted an hour last night. I would have played some Halo games, but you and Krono said you were playing SC so I went to sleep instead.

Only to find out the next morning that Krono came on Halo 5 minutes after I went to sleep :p
Thanks for the game Krono and Shami.

Was great with a bit 3v3, great teamwork and enjoyed it thoroughly. Shame those fakers lost me all my hard work for the evening.


Kreeeee we need you to come play some ranked slayer with us, we will have the ultimate team then! :D

Yeah I had a blast, our slayer teamwork was brilliant.

Although I think its fair to say we need to work on out strategy and team work where Objective is concerned. :o

i dunno, us two did fine on our own where objectives were concerned, must be the others :o :D

oh, and i will also be online tonight gentlemen, oh, and kreeeee.

edit: personally, for objective based games where the object is to go to a base and plant/steal something you need to have this kind of stratagy: 1 on base defense, a dedicated defender who should not stray to far from the base (unless to chase down enemies).
for 1 flag/bomb games i'd have 2 in the midfield and 2 defending the base(or attacking depending on your objective)

2 guys in the mid-field, either ferrying the stealer/planter to/from the objective, helping chase down flag capturers, or just generally making a big nuisance/distraction, and one person needs to steal/plant, obviously.

all bar the defender can be slightly flexible in their roles, but base defense is paramount. in eight player games just double the numbers (2,4,2). things like oddball is pretty self explanatory, one guy grabs the oddball, the team members attempt to protect that guy.
king of the hill is the only one where it's really tactics on the fly purely down to the nature of the game.
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I am the defender, but I often find that when I choose to defend and make it clear everybody knows that, I get 1 or 2 others who also sit there defending. I then think "Yeah fine, you 2 defend I'm going on offense" 1 minute later they've both buggered off and all I hear is "Flag stolen" or "Bomb armed"

On Avalanche I sit at our portal exit with the laser and shoot down any passing hogs or hornets and I've got a very clear view of everything going on at the Apex or infront of our base, the enemy also has to go through me to get into our base or escape from it.

So we dont really want anybody sat in the base because we are always spawning there so we've got defense covered both with me and the people constantly spawning, so what we really need is Map controll with our vehicles, which we do pretty well in 1 flag or KotH, but seem to fail at it on Bomb/Multi-flag
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I am the defender, but I often find that when I choose to defend and make it clear everybody knows that, I get 1 or 2 others who also sit there defending. I then think "Yeah fine, you 2 defend I'm going on offense" 1 minute later they've both buggered off and all I hear is "Flag stolen" or "Bomb armed"

yup, i work best in the midfield or base defense, but i'm not terrible at attacking, basically i'll do what everyone else doesn't want to do really
In ctf I always assume the role of vehicle destroyer and power weapon whore which works well as the enemy are a lot easier without rocket, lasers and vehicles.
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