I do whatever I'm told, quite happy to take orders (no jokes)
Usually I tend to gravitate towards more defensive roles.
John self-pwning himself: (or Kreeeee owning him w/e)
Check out barrel splat 1, 2 and 3 on my share as well as barrel respawn (you'll love that one alrik).
Imagine if that had happened to alrik last night. I think we'd all be deaf due to the shouting, and his 360 may end-up the first to land on the moon.
I'm never doing Ranked Team Slayer on my own ever again! I've just gone down 3 levels to level 32.
I always get paired with a bunch of retards who just run in and get killed! Been top on every game aswell which is even more annoying!
I'm sick of Halo 3 - sorry. Id rather do anything else
& I only with my mates, never myself
I think I'm currently around you're rank in team slayer - I'll play with you sometime if you wantI wont run and gun either!