HALO 3 Official Thread

I've barely played COD4 online, never played with anyone on here and I got bored playing on my own. I think Halo 3 is perfect because it's just a less serious game (unless you're Alrik :p)

I still remember the rockets game where it was Alrik, Keeeee, someone else (Maybe you), and me on Stand off.

I pushed forward from the Satalite Dish base, down the left wall, Alrik was on the Base, and Kreeeee (and the other player) were a bit behind me. I got into a fight with 3 of the other team and killed one, but another showed up. So still 3 on one with me bouncing about like a headless chicken hoping to get a lucky kill or 2 before the inevitable happend. I then here Alrik shout "Help, Help, they're All Shooting at me!!!" I turned in his direction instinctively to see what was happening, and it turned out the guy I had killed had spawned at the top of their base and shot 2 rockets in Alrik's direction. I however still had 6 rockets being shot at me.

Kreeeee and I both more or less said "WTF Alrik, They're all shooting at us". Then I promptly died.

I also remember a game where Alrik and I played on avalanche, it was a BTB game and between us we got about 40 of the killes and died 3 times (ok I died 3 times). Yet we still lost. Alrik was not a happy bunny, I think he catagorically told a few of our team mates to drop from the game for the good of the team
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TBH throughout my life I have always played one game at a time. I suspect it goes back to my childhood as my friends and I were only ever allowed to get a new game once we completed the game we were currently playing. So ever since I was young I have played one game at a time until I completed it (or returned it immediately if I knew I didn't like it enough to play it to the end)

I guess this also carries through to MP games. I may as well have not bought any other games for my XBOX1 as I more or less played Halo2 every night from the day it was released until about a month before the 360 came out.

That's fair enough, it's just a shame that my favourite gaming posse never play the games I do any more (TF2, RA3, SFIV and CoD4 at the moment).
What... Krono dies if he tries to do 2 things at once, like breathing and pushing the right trigger.

I was a bit flabbergasted by the outburst myself tbh, thats kind of why I remembered it.

But to be fair, its my style of play that got me killed rather than lack of ability... Where as you, alrik, shami and well just about anyone with some common sence, tend to stick together, co-ordinate fire, and pick your fights so that you stand a 80+% chance of winning. I just run around till I find an enemy (or group) and open a can of whooparse. (which usually results in me hurting 3 of them, dieing and then one of you coming round the corner for an easy double or triple kill :()

When I try and play a bit more "defensively" or "strategically" I tend to do much better, but I struggle to play like that regularly, as it goes against my nature.
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Because people dont die in Halo 3! I've never had so many frags stolen in any game bar Halo 3.

Anyway, that wasn't an outburst, that's general gaming conversation for me. I'm an angry gamer, what can I say :p.
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