HALO 3 Official Thread

Not happy

Just reloaded my saved game, had just started Chapter 7, and it hasnt saved it, so I'm now back at Chapter 2, no way am I going to be able to play through that again as it is has hardly been fun

Any chance I could join a coop game just for the last 2 chapters so I can see the ending?
Right this online play is starting to **** me off! i must be doing something wrong! when i go into matchmaking, select Xbox live open party, then pick a playlist, for instance social slayer, then i go down and click start matchmaking and it says looking for ideal match!Sometimes it will find players but hardly ever and where it says games found and possible matches it just says "0" so am i doing something wrong or missing a step? cant see what else to do!
My opinion thus far is that the Campaign is too mind numbing and tricky (on Heroic) to be worth playing. I need to do it in bite sized chunks to get through it, the thought of trying to take on a room with 8 brutes in doesn't appeal to me that much to attempt it 10 times on the trot. From what I've heard 'Normal' is too easy, so I won't try that either.

I might just stick to online.
Practice. The controls need time to master. I have now played the first level 4 times and still enjoy it, just so I'm not spending the whole game trying to get used to it. I am used to keyboard and mouse, not joypad. Anyway, I am playing on Heroic and find it difficult, yes... died a lot, at first! But I simply love trying to take on loads of enemies at once. A grenade in the right place at the right time can look stunning and brutes can be taken down fairly easily with the right weapon, at the right distance with steady aim.

The cinematic you are rewarded with sent shivers down my spine... I can't find anything wrong with this game so far. And the ability to playback your battles and the cinematic sequences, without having to complete the level from start to finish, is icing on an already very delicious cake.

Yummy :) And this is not coming from a fanboy. I only completed Halo 2 a few days ago and didn't play the original until it was available on the PC. Halo 3 looks great, plays great, have patience and master the controls. You will enjoy it.
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Well I'm loving it, nice graphics, awesome soundtrack, very smooth, single campaign feels better than Halo 2 so far and on some levels on par with Halo 1 which suprised me, I think if your someone thats not keen on doing the online thing and is wondering if it is worth buying just for the campaign then for £34.99< it's worth it.

Just picked up mine from a supermarket today. They werre labelled up at £39.71 but the initial batch are going through the tills at £30.86 :) Thank you wall mart :D

My copy is here:)
Played the sp for about 2 hours i think. Ive just got to a boss enough said:)

Ill finish the sp first before playing online and kill some of you lot:D

Did you order from the Purple Square logo shop?

Seen your last post and I did the same yet mines still not shown up. :( Shipped today @ 10am. Gah !
Watched my brother play it for ten minutes or so. Looks good. :D

I can't wait to go on for some OcUK sessions. Did I read right.. 16 player co-op? :eek:
Got mine today from the station that sells games and traded in a few old PC games! Haven't played the first two but heard so many good things about this one so will play this with great expectations :D

See you all on some OcUK lovin' later maybe? :cool:
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