HALO 3 Official Thread

Well, the bungie website is a bit lax when it comes to sharing game types/maps, you can rate them buy not search through them or categorize them, was thinking a site where people can submit & rate [the link to] their map/game and they can be sorted by popularity/ratings/category etc...
You don't really have to start right back from the start of your last save, I did the same thing was up to the last level last night but didn't save, if you go to campaign you can pick a level to start from just so long as you have already completed that level.

Ahhh didnt know that, thanks for that bit of info albeit a bit late:p.
got a game on the go now if anyone is interested.

**grumbles about game organisation thread being closed**

Soz for not joining your games, you always send the invite as i start playing with another group :(

And when im looking yours is always full.

One day Krono we will re-unite and i will do Miss K again - maybe in wales :D
So about the ending. (Spoiler)

So there is going to be a new Halo game then, if you waited to the end of the credits you'll see Master Chief just gets put back to sleep, I'm guessing he will re-awake in the next game like he did in Halo 1. Awesome. :cool:

So about the ending. (Spoiler)

So there is going to be a new Halo game then, if you waited to the end of the credits you'll see Master Chief just gets put back to sleep, I'm guessing he will re-awake in the next game like he did in Halo 1. Awesome. :cool:

Well they said that this is the end of this particular Halo story, so no more chief, but I expect they left it like that incase they get a bit strapped for cash they know they can just release a new chief game and watch it roll in

Well they said that this is the end of this particular Halo story, so no more chief, but I expect they left it like that incase they get a bit strapped for cash they know they can just release a new chief game and watch it roll in
I don't think it means the end of the character really, I reckon the next game will be him waking up again. They'll probably go back on saying it's the end of the Chief.
Just completed it on heroic - I really enjoyed the single campaign. Agreed its a bit short but having just started on Legendary - I can see this taking a lot longer than 6 hours!!!!!
Played about 3 hours co-op today with a mate locally. Borders are annoying, especially the fact you can't change to vertical split. Yes they need to keep the aspect ratio but they could at least try and give us the option.

The game itself is good fun, playing through on heroic and finding it a good challenge as have only played Halo 1 about 4-5 years ago.

Some great set pieces and love the hammer as well as the comments from the enemies 'You killed my best friend' consistently gets us chuckling.

Graphics are fairly nice but finding it a bit jerky. Did expect more from the 360's big game this year but still pleasant enough.
Played about 3 hours co-op today with a mate locally. Borders are annoying, especially the fact you can't change to vertical split. Yes they need to keep the aspect ratio but they could at least try and give us the option.

Yeah i don't see any good reason for this, if its the aspect ratio excuse why not allow full widescreen with increased field of view? im not talking stretching here like the old consoles might have done, i want a bigger field of view and the full screen in use, theres no reasonable excuse for limiting it, we should always have the option.

Also i went to try playing local coop and to my disgust they don't let you play with more than two, quite pathetic, also no search for custom games is a massive mistake, i don't particularly like matchmaking as its often annoying or silly game modes like shotty snipers or rockets etc when most of the time people just want standard slayer.

Anyway the game is pretty good overall and the graphics are nice enough even if a little aliased and not in true hd, still these issues really need to be sorted soon.
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