HALO 3 Official Thread

I cant stand playing random people on this game its ******* crap, full of white Americans who just shout foul words so I have to not use a headset, then the games are just a farce with everybody running about not sticking to a plan.

Some of the maps are too big and some of the are to small.

Is it just me?
Well I just completed the game for the first time from start to finish. It does get a bit better as you go on but the ending was rather dissapointing. No huge boss fight, no epic battle...just a small driving level that is a piece of cake. Pffft. The only good bit really was going through that flood place near the end with a flamethrower, because it reminded me of Alien.

The entire game was just run and gun, pretty boring overall really. It has nothing special, nothing innovative. There's what? One boss fight if I recall correctly, and it's easy and as simple as pie...and boring. A small, floating robotic ball thing, WOW...how do they come up with these things? Dissapointing.
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Well I just completed the game for the first time from start to finish. It does get a bit better as you go on but the ending was rather dissapointing. No huge boss fight, no epic battle...just a small driving level that is a piece of cake. Pffft. The only good bit really was going through that flood place near the end with a flamethrower, because it reminded me of Alien.

The entire game was just run and gun, pretty boring overall really. It has nothing special, nothing innovative. There's what? One boss fight if I recall correctly, and it's easy and as simple as pie...and boring. A small, floating robotic ball thing, WOW...how do they come up with these things? Dissapointing.

I hope you at least played heroic.
I just completed on Heroic, what a blast :D I think it's a fantastic game! It was longer than I was expecting, much like Halo CE.
I don't know what some people would consider to be a 'boss fight', but the bit where your fighting against 2 of them large walking crab things is a pretty huge battle.
It took me at least 10 hours to complete, in two long sessions. I would happily do it again, especially on co-op.
When I played the campaign through I did it on co-op with 3 other mates, I was splitcreening on my TV and I was a bit underwhelmed by the atmosphere... I had a pop at the campaign last night on my own, with the whole screen to myself and the atmophere was there as were the "oohs and ahhs".

It's nice and easier to play with friends, but I like playing on my own, the game engages you a lot more :)

Getting bored of ranked slayer etc, sick to death of ruddy isolation & the pit and god damn shotty snipers. Having loads more fun on BTB even if the lag can get a bit mental because valhalla is THE best map :) tbh I'm very dissapointed with the maps in Halo 3, after playing the beta with snowbound, valhalla and high ground I was expecting all of the maps to be this quality and this [as they tlked about in the vidoc] objective based maps, but it seems the only maps that felt new or had these qualities are those that were in the beta, all of the other maps feel like halo 2 maps :(

Sandtrap... Ewwww... Can be fun sometimes, but spawn points need to be tweaked and the colour scheme is just horribly dull, imo doing the following would make sandtrap a lot better;
* More clustered spawn points and vehicles in more locations
* Get rid of the sandstorm that is obscuring the sky and give us some sky
* Change all the delapodated ruins into foreunner architecture
* Add at least some tufts of grass
* Stop the Elephant getting stuck on invisible barriers

I'd probably like sandtrap at least a bit then.

And hmm anyone had that problem where you can't remove an object in forge?
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Should be back in about an hour :)

Yesterday evening ended up bad for me playing, kids + wife ended up being far too demanding, so sorry I wasn't around.

And same goes to Krono who's game I left after one round :( It was a really good match too!
I cant stand playing random people on this game its ******* crap, full of white Americans who just shout foul words so I have to not use a headset, then the games are just a farce with everybody running about not sticking to a plan.

Some of the maps are too big and some of the are to small.

Is it just me?

You're always going to get the same advice on here, don't do team multi-player games without playing with people you know. The internet is full of *********.

And hmm anyone had that problem where you can't remove an object in forge?

Yes, things like grenades or a gun occasionally. If its these sorts of things, usually it is because it has come from a dead comrade/enemy. other scenery may not be removed if it has been destroyed and is about to respawn.
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Alrik/Creature are you available later to continue on with some co-op? I'm available from now onwards really. With a break for eating naturally. :)
Am i the only one who hates this policy when you quit you get penalised.

I was in a game and in the first 2 minutes all my team left. So it was me against four other players with a higher rank than me. I couldn't leave the game without getting penalised and loosing points. But if i lost then i would lose points too cause basically they just owned me.

I decided to leave because it is a complete joke of a system that you get penalised if you leave the game. Really really screwed up system there Bungie.
Well, I can understand why they do it, but it does suck when your team leaves on you, sucks even more when you lose EXP for having a crappy connection and dropping out.
Alrik/Creature are you available later to continue on with some co-op? I'm available from now onwards really. With a break for eating naturally. :)

When ever your ready really, got all time until monday to do it now.

*cries* :(

Did you guys get any connections issues without me yesterday? It'd be interesting to narrow down what/who was the cause.

It didnt happen so we cant say
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