Hamilton may take a knee at US GP

So those taking a knee shouldn't express their right to free speech and actions during America's symbol of the right to free speech and actions...?

Not saying I agree with him, but the 'don't do it during the anthem because it's sacred' argument is rather hypocritical.

Nope because it's a sign of disrespect to the country that affords them the freedom to do it in the first place. They could have protested umpteen other ways that were less contentious, the only reason they're doing it during the anthem is because they know it will cause outrage. It's basically trolling. Has it even helped their cause? no, it's just caused even more division and less sympathy for their cause which has been largely overshadowed by the predictable outrage.
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Nope because it's a sign of disrespect to the country that affords them the freedom to do it in the first place. They could have protested umpteen other ways that were less contentious, the only reason they're doing it during the anthem is because they know it will cause outrage. It's basically trolling. Has it even helped their cause? no, it's just caused even more division and less sympathy for their cause which has been largely overshadowed by the predictable outrage.

lol, false patriotism/nationalism at it's heart.

The NFL never used to have the players stand for the anthem, most sports didn't, it wasn't a thing... then the military started PAYING sports to do so. In a country that was founded on the idea of freedom, the military industrial complex which kills thousands upon thousands of people every year(100x that of any and all terrorist attacks on the states) for profit, pays organisations to help with the propaganda machine that convinces American's that the military is out there fighting for their freedom(nothing they've done since WW2 has had any effect of fighting for their freedoms). One of those fundamental freedoms is supposed to be freedom to protest, but they don't like sports stars protesting at realistically the only time they actually can. When are fans in the stadium and viewers watching... kick off, can they protest during the game, nope, is there any point to protesting afterwards, nope, would protesting on the empty field midweek do anything, nope.

It's also funny because it seems the massive majority of actual military personnel and vets believe they are fighting for freedoms like the ability to protest and don't seem offended, those who get brainwashed by paid for patriotism and go all America is great at every opportunity seem to be getting offended by American's expressing their views as all American's are free to do.

Their is actual freedom, actual patriotism and that is actually believing in the rights as outlined in the constitution, then there is, I don't know what the right term would be, plastic patriotism, where you have to think everything in your country is the best, everything your country does is the best and anyone who even suggests something isn't perfect is the enemy of your country. Governments literally pay money through propaganda to encourage the stupid level plastic patriotism, because it makes easily fooled people who actively help your government shout down those with real grievances.

They aren't disrespecting their country by using the freedoms than country grants them. Those who attack people who protest over a just cause are the ones disrespecting the country.... they've just been sold this image of a completely different country and they are defending that make believe place they don't actually live in. America is the most oppressive regime in the world... it just oppresses other countries and peoples rather than it's own, well, it oppresses other countries and peoples MORE than it oppresses it's own.
Thread fails to deliver, I thought after seeing the title that he was going to propose to someone on the podium or something.:p
Maybe the coverage has been huge since Trump's Alabama speech 10 days ago; however Kapernick started taking a knee over a year ago and this has gradually gained momentum with other NFL players since, albeit not as much as last weekend.

So it won't go away but it may not get the daily coverage it is getting in US news lately. Only way for it to go away is for police in the US to stop killing young innocent black men

Black men kill way more black men than police do. Maybe they should look at their own culture and communities and take a knee in protest against that.

Hamilton shouldn't take a knee because the whole concept of taking a knee should be to protest about intra racial violence, not police violence.
He says he isn't going to do anything now.

If I read another ******* online headline about 'will Lewis do this' 'why Lewis might do' when there never was any intention of such!
Why would he kneel during someone else's anthem at all...
One way to annoy a man, and frankly single him out because he is black. Press discrimination.
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