Poll: Hand-me-downs

Do you often wear hand-me-down clothes?

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23 Apr 2014
!Exciting (Exiting?) thread alert!

On the back of another thread and being told I live in a bubble on this. Can we have a poll on this?

As an adult ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), do you often wear hand-me-down clothes from, say, a parent or sibling (I'm not talking about a single item that was passed down years ago, more like the majority of the clothes you wear are hand-me-downs)?

1. Yes
2. No
3. Pancake
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As an adult I've pretty much never worn clothes I've not bought new myself. As a child I had at times hand me down things like suits, coats and some specific stuff like sports wear.
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Growing up no, my brother is around same age as me, so generally clothes sizes weren't that different. Although my youngest daughter (3), does tend to receive a lot of hand me downs from her sister (8). Not all though and they both have had a shopping trip this year, so should be good now for a while.
No, because it doesn't make sense, does it? You stop growing when you're an adult. So who is changing shape in order to stop wearing their clothes and hand them down to you?

Unless there are two people in the family of the same general build but both gradually putting on weight?
Doesn't bother me, I got a load of nice expensive branded stuff (that I'd never heard of, not being a brand person) from my partners son, since they were now too small for him.
Used to wear loads of hand me down stuff when I was a kid, but not any more. I'm not opposed to it, just don't know anyone who offers me hand-me-downs! There are a few things that my dad's given me more recently (because they don't fit or he's bought something new and doesn't need an old outdoor jacket any more etc), but not many.

And I guess in turn I don't really offer hand me downs to anyone because I doubt they'd be interested and none of my mates have kidsmy size. Also I tend to only get rid of clothes when they're already relatively worn out.
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