Har far are we from proper sex robots?

You can get sex robots now, the real question is how long will it be before they can also do all the other things.

Id risk a modest wager that AI will have progressed to the point where you could have a better converstion with an AI than with most people within the next ten years or so.

All you then need is the hardware to carry out all the other "Genberal Purpose" roles.

There are going to be a hell of a lot of rather loneky Women out there in the years to come.

(I dont think that "Manbots" will be able to take over Mens roles anywhere near as easily as "Fembots" can take over Womens...)
AI? I think you severely over estimate the requirements of a sex robot.

As long as it made sexy noises and had a self cleaning routine, it would need no other function except some holes.
I would imagine that sex with an interactive sex doll would be like having a Sherman. It would not be a real person and therefore your mind would perceive this and likely lessen the experience, or improve it depending on your preference of course.
Hopefully soon. Graph shows Japanese population with time:


Arrow depicts the point in time when sex robots are now able to conceive.
I would imagine that sex with an interactive sex doll would be like having a Sherman. It would not be a real person and therefore your mind would perceive this and likely lessen the experience, or improve it depending on your preference of course.

That's where the AI comes in. Men are already perfectly happy having sex with people who are not "Real Persons" The whole Sex industry relies on it.

I imagine that there are a small number of women who use the services of "Sex Workers" but I suspect that the overwhelming majority of clients are Male (Both Gay/Straight)

I actually suspect that really for most Men, an "AI Companion" (As an article the other day suggested. using this technology for "Sex Robot" is going, very quickly, to end up making as much sense as using your Car to listen to the "radio"!) that walked the walk and talked the Talk (And, yes. Laugh if you like, but also kept His house clean and had His supper ready when He got home) would actually tick all the boxes to such an extent that the additional benefits of a "Real Woman" would be so small compared to the downsides that the fact that "She" was a machine could easily be overlooked...
You can get sex robots now, the real question is how long will it be before they can also do all the other things.

Id risk a modest wager that AI will have progressed to the point where you could have a better converstion with an AI than with most people within the next ten years or so.

All you then need is the hardware to carry out all the other "Genberal Purpose" roles.

There are going to be a hell of a lot of rather loneky Women out there in the years to come.

(I dont think that "Manbots" will be able to take over Mens roles anywhere near as easily as "Fembots" can take over Womens...)

All the things a women can do with none of the nagging? I"m in
10 years I say before it might actually be viable in that you could actually have conversations etc and facial expressions.
To be able to move around like a person? Not surely.
Virtual reality however might beat the physical world by then.

If I were putting money on it, I'd say the virtual world will fulfill our needs quicker than a physical robot and for much less cost.

I also think that it will be a lot of peoples future.
No kids, divorce stress, divorce bill, baggage, hassle etc etc to worry about.
It, like everything, will eventually become socially acceptable. And birth rates will plummet
"How far are we from proper sex robots?"

It's on the sofa, so I'd say about three feet away. :p

P.S. Judging by your "Har" typo, I take it you've already partaken of them too? ;)
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