Hard drives wont appear together

13 Oct 2004
Hi there

Currently been running a 74gb raptor and a maxtor 10. Bought another maxtor 10 today. Just want to run it alongside not raid or anything.

I have a asus a8v board it has 4 sata ports on it (raptor and first maxtor is on bottom two ports) but if i click it into the other ports it wont recgonise it but if i unplug my other one a put it in the port that used to be on it works. Any ideas

thank you
think i have found the problem?? need a driver installed but i dont understand how to do it.

1. From the System Console type "NWCONFIG".
2. Choose "Driver Options".

3. Choose "Configure disk and storage device drivers".

4. Choose "Select a driver".

5. Press the INSERT key on your keyboard.

6. Insert the FastTrak Driver Disk into your A: floppy drive.

7. Press F3 and type "A:\" in the "Specify a directory path:" window.
Press ENTER.

8. The FTS150.HAM driver should be listed in the "Select a driver to
install:" window. Press ENTER to select this driver.

9. Choose "Yes" when asked if you want to copy this driver.

dont understand step 1. where do i type that?

please help
gsidecturbo said:
I have a asus a8v board it has 4 sata ports on it (raptor and first maxtor is on bottom two ports) but if i click it into the other ports it wont recgonise it but if i unplug my other one a put it in the port that used to be on it works. Any ideas

Can you be a bit more specific on "won't recognise it"? Is the drive showing in the BIOS at all? When you go into the Disk Management applet in Control Panel is it available in there?
I was around this guys house earlier.

He has 3 sata drives.
1 raptor
2 maxtor d10's (both 300gbs)

In his bios he has 2 hard disk sata options - labelled d0 and d1.
These are connected to his raid-able ports.

In his bios he has set them to non raid.

If he connects say the 2 d10's to these ports and his raptor (his boot drive) to one of the two available non raid-able ports then the BIOS finds the d10's and the raptor but will not boot from the raptor, the system continuosly restarts.

But if he connects his raptor and 1 d10 to the raid-able ports and one d10 to his non raid-able ports then only the raptor and one d10 are found but not the second d10.

Any ideas?
(Sorry if this is a bit basic.. I'm tired)
Chandler_90 said:
If he connects say the 2 d10's to these ports and his raptor (his boot drive) to one of the two available non raid-able ports then the BIOS finds the d10's and the raptor but will not boot from the raptor, the system continuosly restarts.

Surely then it should just be a case of connecting the drives like this and changing the boot order in the BIOS to boot of wherever the Raptor is now connected to?

there are four sata ports on my board (2 red and 2 black) at the moment i have my raptor in sata raid1, 1d10 in sata raid 2 and the other in sata 1. All 3 hard drives are in my bios i have selected my raptor as my boot drive. It only shows one hard drive in MY COMPUTER though. It is not visable in diskmanagement either.
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