Hardcore Ravers??

3 Jan 2007
Any hardcore ravers on here, i know there is a few, dont be shy.

If so whats your favourite tracks?? and what raves you been to so far this year??
i have raved a few times, and will be doing so a lot more in the future :D

my favourite rave moment was probably when mauro picotto dropped komodo at crasher back in feb, i turned round to look at the dancefloor (i was right up by the booth) and thousands of people with their hands all in the air was just...wow, gives me shivers thinking about it

and the afterparties aah :cool:, incredible memories of the taxi ride from the club to the afterparty, could still hear the music and queuing up outside a cave, jaws chattering, the muffled boom boom of music and people who'd just got up for work or whatever giving us funny looks - ahhh what good times :D

memories :cool:
I wouldn't use the word 'hardcore' to describe my raving tendencies, although I used to be a regular at Slammin Vinyl in Milton Keynes until they sold the land to some bloody football club (Wimbledon - aka The Milton Keynes Dons I think...)

Only into Drum & Bass which doesn't really make me a raver, although I have owned some glow rods, blew the odd whistle and certainly put my hands in the air once or twice :).
Have been to a few HH nights and a SV one.

Cant beat the atmosphere i love it.

When i was 12/13 all my friends were 17-19 and used to go to
bowlers every week, then onto the waterpark for some after hours fun.

This used to really wind me up as i was too young :'(.

Ive certainly made up for it thou :D

ohh and i went to an amazing night in Ibiza @ Eden in 2005,

That was one of my best nights ever it was all thte old classics played,
it was awsome, a shame my missus didnt really like it as she wasnt old enough
to remember the music first time round ............ but imo was amazing!

Used to be. Went to loads of Rezerections (Ingliston) and Helter Skelters (Sanctuary, MK) between '96 and '98, went to a couple of Homelands too.

Favourite moment was the Rez kick off, at midnight they'd play the 1812 overture and crank up the lasers and music, here's a good video of one.


Not been to a rave in a long time but heading to Rockness next month.

Favourite hardcore tracks are possibly

(1m30s samples)

Things started going down the path of generic trance and euro-cheese around 99/00 so I only really listened to techno after then.
There are no raves any more!

I used to be big on it. I still like my trance nights every so often but they don't compare. I started at Orbit/After dark in '92 (yes, I was 12) with dayglo trackies, dummies, whistles and acid faces and was a regular from around '94. Would have nights at The Ark @ Leeds Uni too.
Scott brown - Now is the time

Prodigy - Charly

it doesnt get much better than that tbh
No Good > Charly

Smart E's - Sesame's Treet
Ratpack - Searchin for my Rizla
Urban Hype - Trip to Trumpton
The Grid - Swamp Thing
Evapor8 - Altern8
Gilly said:
No Good > Charly

Ratpack - Searchin for my Rizla

"o i was standin in the corner, a searchin for my rizla, i had some marijauna, i needed to get high"

i love the song just for that bit tbh :p

I have a Trip to Trumpton somewhere too, and Urban Shakedown - Some Justice.
Gonzo0 said:
"o i was standin in the corner, a searchin for my rizla, i had some marijauna, i needed to get highER"

"so i went into the corner with my rizla and my ganja, built another spliff and now im totally out my head!"

Noones mentioned Top Buzz !!
Gilly said:
No Good > Charly

For listening to the house yeah, but for being at an old skool rave charly did it for me.

Went to see Altern8 a month or so back, was amazing :D dustmasks and hoods on, the lot. Cept they got too hot so they had to come off. Otherwise. Amazing :D
M-Zone and Mark EG old Hard Trance sets in the Thunderdome at Sanctuary Arena back in 1995 - 1998.

They couldn't mix a salad but the tunes they had in their boxes were the best, not the cheesey happy hardcore like where most of the scene was going.
Liquid_Entity said:
M-Zone and Mark EG old Hard Trance sets in the Thunderdome at Sanctuary Arena back in 1995 - 1998.

They couldn't mix a salad but the tunes they had in their boxes were the best, not the cheesey happy hardcore like where most of the scene was going.

Mark EG has been caning it for years, hes damn entertaining to watch too!.

My mate has judgement day tattoos lol
Producer, Scorpio and Clarkee played some astounding techno at Helter Skelter, they could mix too.
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