Harley Quinn: Birds of Prey lol

It's been getting very poor reviews, so people aren't going to see it.
So odd as at least with reviews I have seen have been largely positive (3-4 out of 5) including my very critical DC-loving friend :p.

Earned less then Green Lantern in the opening weekend and (IMO) it's easily one of the best DC films (score, fight scenes, acting, production). God knows how Captain Marvel went on to make $1.128 billion and this will probably struggle to make a 1/3 of that.
The action scenes got far too repetitive, same angles/stunts. Was entertaining enough to watch but a couple of scenes felt completely out of place. Middle of the road movie for me.
Been a complete disaster of an opening. They’ve now resorted to reverting back to having Harley Quinn in the title again (dunno why they dropped it in the first place).

Will probably see it in a weeks time if there’s nothing else out worth watching.
When will they realise that women are not comic book/superhero fans. Yes is all well and good having a female lead, I don't car about that, but when you have the Ewan Mcgregor coming out saying that it's a film made, directed and written by women it turns off men that might have given it a chance.

The director has done a few shorts and a TV series: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm4014166/?ref_=tt_ov_dr
The writer has written 3 films, bumblebee, unforgettable and this. Also has writen a couple of eps of Batwoman and Flash.https://www.imdb.com/name/nm5429637/?ref_=tt_ov_wr

So not much experience all round, looks to me that they looked for woman only and not experience - not the way to make a good film, even if you want to make one for such an audience. The title is/was a joke, Margo, as lovely as she is, can only do what the script/director tells her. And the marketing sucks, they just won't learn...

And to say it's SEO is rubbish, have they attacked the misogynists yet? that's normally their MO. It's a bad film, made by very inexperienced people, simple as that.
When will they realise that women are not comic book/superhero fans. Yes is all well and good having a female lead, I don't car about that, but when you have the Ewan Mcgregor coming out saying that it's a film made, directed and written by women it turns off men that might have given it a chance.

Really? Why would that "turn off" men?

I wasn't in a hurry to see it because Suicide Squad was so awful and most DC movies have been ****.

Will eventually get around to it with Odeon limitless.
Ewan Mcgregor made a number of statements about how it was a 'feminist' film, which frankly is going to turn off a lot of men and women.

It'll be hilarious if the Sonic movie blitzes this at the box office, which I suspect it will.
Really? Why would that "turn off" men?
As has been said, he said it was a feminist film for women, talk about misogynists blah blah blah.. I don't want to watch a film that tries to shove that down my throat. It's fine as I'm not the target audience, and I do think I'm overly sensitive to this feminist/SJW stuff, and there is plenty of other things to see.

Ewan Mcgregor hurt this film I guarantee it. I've said it plenty but I go to the cinema to be ENTERTAINED, not preached to! They made errors at almost every stage with this film. Starting with the title(what the hell), picking amazingly inexperienced directors/writers and then marketing and cast interviews.. Each stage they did wrong, turned off people from even giving the film a chance.

They live in a bubble and are getting further and further separated from reality.. They think they know what we want and this is the result. Will they learn, probably not.
Plenty of game tie-ins are financially successful.

And a bunch of them bomb. Wing Commander, Super Mario Brothers. Street Fighter didn't do anything like as much as it was hoped. Doom didn't make back it's production cost. Dead or Alive bombed. Oh, and a special word for Uwe Boll's Far Cry film if I may - budget $30m, box office take $743,634 :p
Sonic has a better chance of being decent than the mario bros movie ever did, time and tech have moved on considerably from that cheese fest.
Sonic has a better chance of being decent than the mario bros movie ever did, time and tech have moved on considerably from that cheese fest.

SMB got a lot right - the special effects were actually good, the casting was good, and that cast did their best with the material. But the writing flat-out sucked.

I get this suspicion that Sonic will fall down in exactly the same way - decent effects, a good cast that tried hard, but ultimately a story and script that just don't work well enough to make a good film.
Detective Pikachu made $433 million, though it wasn't $1billion but it's still a decent figure for a movie based on one game that was only on 3DS.
Hopefully Sonic can achieve similar number if it's actually decent, I actually enjoyed Detective pikachu with the exception maybe one or two pokemon in it look very creepy.
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