Harry Hill...

saw him live a few months ago.... he ended upmaking nearly the entire front row go and stand on the stage and dance to the 'end of show disco' and then ran into the seats and sat and watched them acting like loons. Hilarious...TV Burp is the best thing on telly imo. Apart from Top Gear and that's not on right now :D

One for the live show attendees...
Why is it only Tudor Houses they mock??
I can only really listen/watch harry Hill on TV Burp. The rest of the time I don't think he's that funny.

Bill Bailey is a scream and so is Rich Hall (although I watched him in a tv program a wee while back and I had to turn it over because it was complete and utter pants :( )
Sanzy said:
Dont like him , i prefer more clever humour

TV Burp has clever humour, just depends how whether you view sarcasm and mick-taking as an art or not, in which case if you don't like it then you won't like the godly Blackadder either. :p
Why is it on at 5pm on a saturday afternoon? I always end up missing it! Last series was on at about 11:30pm and made some great TV when nothing else is on.
Just LOL'd my head off at the geeks and beauties but, where that uber-geek did that appalling kiss... quality. :D

EDIT - Also lol @ the sonya chicken bit.
"You know when you done something good you got a Blue Peter Badge?.......Well when you do something REALLY good on The Bill........You get.......A Blue Peter Door!"

*Guy opens front door with stain glass ship on it*

Another quality show.

That Sonya bit was too funny. But I really liked the bit about the beauty and the geek where the girl is on about reading.

Yeah, I think thats called looking.
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