So if you want BT Sport via Sky it costs over twice what it does from BT directly?
Sick of this crap tbh and don't know why Ofcom don't consider it anti-competitive. If Sky charged Virgin Media double to carry their sports channels they'd be slapped down in no time but BT are allowed to get away with it?
You cant really say that without knowing the facts. Not so long since Sky got into trouble for charging over the odds for Sky Sports to be sold on 3rd party providers. Sky and BT have always been at odds over each others content. Sky Sports on BT costs about £28 and you only get two channels Sky Sports 1 and 2 so who has got who over a barrel ? Last year Sky chucked their toys out of the pram and forced BT to stop having Sky Movies but then relented and a new agreement was made when the "rebranding" of Sky movies occurred and its available again. I think Sky has the upper hand and still dictates most of the pricing. BT Sports used to be free on Sky if you had BT broadband not sure whether it still is. I wouldnt be surprised if Sky price for BT Sports has a premium on top for Sky so dont be so quick to blame BT. Sky is a lot more powerful broadcaster than BT its one of the most powerful.
Another thing Sky has control over is if you have BT TV and pay for Sky Sports you can only have it on one box. Really annoying if you have two boxes. Thats why I get Sky Sports on Now TV as and when.