Has making a pass at a woman just become illegal?

No wonder you're having issues, you don't even know what someone has been saying. :rolleyes:

So in other words one set of 20 people! And you're throwing your toys out the pram because you think I don't understand. :cry:

Honestly i CBA with you any more, obviously you're not going to take my word for it, you're not going to take the word of people who teach these things, nor the thousands of people whose jobs hinge of these very principals, and you're not even going to accept 150+ years of UK case law that puts reasonableness to the test day in day out, so i give up. You obviously know better than everyone, although like i said good luck if you ever find yourself in the courts on something like a negligence charge where you have to prove you did everything a reasonable person would do in order to prevent injury or death.

2 sets of 10 is not the same as 1 set of 20.
Still showing off those awful reading skills i see...."which ordinarily regulate the conduct of human affairs"

Unless the second group are not humans then it would be the same, do you think they're not humans or something.
I know GD doesn't do intelligence but surely even you know what a sentence and context is, maybe you should put your cat back on as it was about the only time your posts came close to being intelligent.

Still find it hilarious that the two of you are essentially arguing against people who teach these things, thousands of people whose jobs hinge of the principal, and 150+ years of UK case law. It's like watching the crazy guy shouting at the clouds.
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well this thread has taken an eventful turn. not the exciting eventful turn that would have made interesting reading, more an embarrassing eventful turn that's just boring.
Dont be silly they are the same thing, how can you not understand this? They both have the same amount of numbers so they are the same, duh. Murphy has spoken!
Holy hell what did I just watch?

Then again I presume she's American, I'd be suspicious of anybody approaching me in America.

If that happened over here I'd be calling the emergency services if somebody reacted like that to the line "Excuse me miss", they'd definitely need help.
Then the police would do what they do and asses whether he claims sound credible and maybe they'll have a word with you. If the police really wanted to be dicks about it they could press charges and you'd both have your chance in court to put forward your side of the argument.

I swear some people have had no experience with law enforcement whatsoever.

This is astoundingly evident for most of the regular GD posters.
Holy hell what did I just watch?

Then again I presume she's American, I'd be suspicious of anybody approaching me in America.

If that happened over here I'd be calling the emergency services if somebody reacted like that to the line "Excuse me miss", they'd definitely need help.
I'm not surprised he changed direction, what a mentalist, jesus :cry:
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Has making a pass at woman just become illegal?

Yeah it sounds like it has for you pal... :p

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they could all have field day over on mumsnet - they like talking about AIBU over there quite a bit.
So what you're saying is that the people on mumsnet understand that reasonableness is objective but certain posters here don't! I'm not sure mumsnet is a particularly high bar to get over but OK, maybe we should direct C Kent over there so he can argue about how it's subjective. ;)
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