
Watched Total Biscuit's quick look at it a couple of days ago.

It neither looks particularly gruesome, or particularly good.

I think the world might not end after all.
Game is actually quite fun nice physics and killing the cops is quite chalenging! Playing on extreme difficulty. Ther's a option in the menu called are you drunk? dunno what that is yet!
Why on earth would anyone actually want to buy and play this? Honestly, sometimes doing something just for the sake of it is rather silly. This game can't possibly have any entertainment factor and playing out that sort of fantasy is actually rather worrying.
Didn't think it released until midnight, but hey ho. Bought :D

@CHokKA, same could be said for GTA. People buy and play games for fun, and I find this to look fun. Unless you were getting at something else?
Pre-ordered the game, my monitor went bang on Wednesday so ordered a new one Thursday, DPD seemingly have swallowed said monitor, so Hatred is available, can't play it as yet xD

Not back at home until Saturday so will have to wait until then.

Those who got it, is it a decent twin stick shooter or is the keyboard/mouse the better combo?
Why on earth would anyone actually want to buy and play this? Honestly, sometimes doing something just for the sake of it is rather silly. This game can't possibly have any entertainment factor and playing out that sort of fantasy is actually rather worrying.

The only worrying thing about this "fantasy" is that the actual game is likely about as deep as a piece of paper and gets repetitive and old fast

Violence sells but doesn't make a good game by itself
Having watched the Totalbiscuit video on this I can conclude that it looks like quite a rubbish game :D

All that fuss about it when it was revealed and its just going to whimper away into the corner no doubt.
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