Have any big News events happened locally to you?

Sleepy market town. Makes Hot Fuzz look tame.

Down the road from me.

We had a big scandal in my town, Council and police knew about a crime happening on an industrial scale, nearly 2000 known victims, but chose not to deal with it for fear of 'rocking the multicultral boat'.

That count?

Same here

Why does this only happen in the North?

Anyway, pretty quiet around here despite all the people who’ve never been telling you it’s a hole or they hate it :D
Why does this only happen in the North?

Anyway, pretty quiet around here despite all the people who’ve never been telling you it’s a hole or they hate it :D
North? I'm smack bang in the Midlands. Unless you class North of the Watford gap as the North :D
Guy murdered his wife and her parents with an axe on the road behind mine in 98, then went back to his house and set that on fire and died.

Also, four years ago a guy a few houses up from me decided to make a bomb. Apparently there was a 200m cordon which the police must've forgotten to tell me about :D
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If anyone remembers the Claire Tiltman murder, it happened less than a mile from where we lived at the time. My sister was one of her friends and I have a memory of the police coming round to talk to her, I would have been about 8 years old at the time.
Don't know if it happens to anyone else but i've lost count the amount of times i've seen a news story that looks local by the picture but it ends up being 100 miles away?
Don't know if it happens to anyone else but i've lost count the amount of times i've seen a news story that looks local by the picture but it ends up being 100 miles away?
That sounds like my town. There is news in the local paper and it is shocking and big bad things but when you actually read through it might be someone who once lived here or visited on a day trip. Totally tedious links.

The main story recently been the hospital trust having an appalling dangerous maternity care/ward with baby deaths :( The ward is closed now but not because if the care. The roof fell in after snow/flooding, then they reopened it again for 6 months before realising it needed the roof refurbishing again (I hope a different part!) and having to close it because it contains asbestos. This was the middle of 2019 and they are still not open or seemingly planning to reopen!

Apart from that once a prostitute :( got murdered which seemed to make national news.

The main regular thing that we end up on the news for are the floods, which look awful on TV but apart from the few homes and businesses affected does not impact on the town that much!
In March of 1987 my parents were going to Belgium for a short trip, but because of a work scheduling issue they had to put it back a week and thank god they did. They were travelling by Ferry to/from Zeebrugge and were booked on the Herald of Free Enterprise, had they taken their original journey their return journey would have been on the 6th of March and they would have been on the boat as it capsized. :(

So I guess this isn't 'local news' in geographical terms, but it was 'local' to me in that it hit home, hard.
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A guy near us murdered his parents. Absolutely brutal. Stabbed them about 150 times (near us as in around the corner and I’d often walk past the house on the way to pick up takeaways/go to the pub). He was an absolute weirdo.

Never made massive headlines but was enough to be mentioned in the National papers.

With a Haircut like that, you need to be.
A lady who got kidnapped, assaulted and then locked in the boot of her car and abandoned by her ex boyfriend for a couple of days lives across the road from me. Reckon she got a substantial victim fund payout as a brand new KIA appeared around a year ago.

Not my town, but where I worked. The guy who dismembered the bodies in Scotland and left various parts on beaches including a severed head worked at the same place I did. My mate worked with him and said there was absolutely nothing unusual or weird about him in the slightest.
The most exciting thing that happens is the river burst its banks a few times. Not been a murder or anything like that from the records I can find. The neighbouring town is famous for its bonfires.
Why does this only happen in the North?

Anyway, pretty quiet around here despite all the people who’ve never been telling you it’s a hole or they hate it :D
It's not just in the North

Oxford, Bristol and Aylsebury have all had the same scandal.

The only real common link, aside from the offender's ethnicity, is that they were all Labour run councils.
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