Have people become too soft?

When did we become a nation of wets?
What on earth will happen if we are ever tested as a nation again?
Your special
Everyone's a winner.
Everyone gets a prize.
you can be whatever you want to be.

it all started happening around 2000-2005

is it any surprise we ended up with a bunch if softies who think they are special?
what's the new thing being pushed around? it's something like "intellectually threatened" when someone points out your argument is flawed

It's like reasoning and logic died, ones own opinion is fact.

people live their whole lives thinking they are special etc then they enter the real working world and find out it's a load of crap, is it any wonder people get so depressed these days

They also have the crazy social media beauty to live up to, but no one actually looks like that without filters.

seems they get set up to fail really
There's a lot of different types of weakness, but society definitely caters to them a lot more than it used to.
When did we become a nation of wets?
What on earth will happen if we are ever tested as a nation again?

It's not just the UK. Most of the Western world has seen consistently falling average testosterone levels and equally falling average sperm counts amongst healthy age men since we started monitoring it in the 1970s

Diets (sugar), lack of physical exertion, lack of high intensity competition, less danger, societal norms shifting etc etc

If we keep going this way Western world birth rates could become a problem, not just our ability to win a fight



We would erase our oponents in nuclear fire

Based on some other threads there is an increasingly lack of will to do so - not that anyone should ever desire to do so. Which is all well and good but there are still large parts of the globe where people don't have the same sensibilities and potentially could use it against us.

It is the old fallacy that the pinnacle of a civilised society is one which has divested itself of all weapons, rather than one which can wield the most destructive weapons with absolute responsibility.
I can't understand why you care. Society will roll on regardless of whether we're "soft" or not. I'd just like to point out that the current generation are who the previous generation raised them to be. So it's great that you think the youth are soft, but perhaps it would have been better from your perspective if we'd ignored evidence-based reasoning for the past 30 years.

There's all sorts in this thread, but to reiterate, punishment does not prevent reoffending, whether that's in a criminal sense or at home. Love is what creates a stable individual. I'm not suggesting I'm the peak of humanity, far from it, but I am loved by my parents and have become a productive member of society.
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