Have you had a good day?

Kids woke me up at 6am, chilled in bed with them for a while. Took them to Little Kickers where youngest got his player of week badge. Took em to Sainsburys for a treat and got them a bubble maker for the garden. Spent an hour in garden before heading off for eldest's swimming lesson. After he was done he came in the fun pool with me and youngest and for the first time I seen him do a full underwater arms and legs swim for a good 5metres. After several years of attempts to learn to swim on and off since he was 2, the work finally paying off this year. Made me feel all gooey inside :) Rest of day was in garden and playing and then by 4pm we'd all had enough of each other, I put footy on, they had their ipads.
Not too bad. Got back home around 2.30am from 2 weeks in Gran Canaria. Woke up around 8. Did first load of washing, went shopping, picked the cat up from cattery. Another load of washing. Sorted most of the front garden while gf did some gardening at the back. Had lunch and coffee outside. In the evening ordered curry, watched TV with gf for a bit then went upstairs and watched some stuff on YouTube and played Mechwarrior 5 for a bit.

Think tomorrow will be similar, bit more washing to do and mow the lawn at the back. After that chill, maybe go for Sunday roast if we feel like it.
Click the view on instagram link if the embed isn't working :p

Woke up still drunk and not hung over, cooked a huge fry up, fed the cat & chickens, sat in the garden and had enough coffee to drown a horse, then a few hours online gaming followed by a few beers at lunchtime, then watered the plants and veg garden and then watched a dubious action film with Jason Statham, then cooked a rotisserie chiicken on the BBQ, then opened another bottle of fizzy wine or two.
Easy to find fault in the world, but more time should be spent on the little things that make us happy.
Retirement can't come fast enough.

Was this a one off visit, or does he drop by often?
Started the day with finding out an old schoolfriend had passed away last week, went for a long walk, sat out in the garden with a coffee watching the birds flying around and generally enjoying the beautiful weather, had a browse on Autotrader at 2 seater sports cars, ended the day laughing out loud at a good film. Did my best to stay out of the misery threads in SC.
Life is short, embrace it.
Went to Badminton horse trials yesterday with my girlfriend. Great day in the sun, then a fantastic dinner before heading home.

Shattered when I got back as the m25 detour was making my life unpleasant, but a brilliant day!

Today in doing some work on the allotment and then making my mum lunch for her birthday. She’s being having a tough time with cancer recently so looking forward to the sunshine and food!

Maybe some Clarkson's farm tonight!
I've had a great day. Woke up admittedly slightly too early by my little girl at 0500. Got the train into Brum at 0945 for breakfast and beers with the boys. Down to Northampton to watch the saints batter Gloucester, back to Brum for beers and food and now watching Tom Davis.

Banging day all round!
Currently feeling the effects of this great day :o:cry:
4 year old gave me a very rare lie in till 10! Spent the day painting our bedroom, on a whim decided to change the radiator, and unlike every other radiator in the house, found it's actually a standard size, so no pipe alterations needed, win! Didn't flood the house which is always a good thing. Followed up with a couple of well deserved G&Ts and the other half cooked her banging lamb curry :D

All in all a tiring, but satisfying & productive day.

Today should be a bit more chilled, still need to do the skirting, but before that, taking our snoot for a walk with the local greyhound group, & shopping for some clothes with kids.

Tomorrow on the other hand will be mostly spent ripping up carpets :(
Last two days with severe DOMS after a brutal gym sesh on Friday night. But I did PB my deadlift, so it was worth the pain.

I think the sudden increase in heat and having sorted the garden out yesterday has also had something to do with it.

Oh and the missus bought me a pub roast for dinner.

So I guess overall, I can't complain!
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