Mmmmmmmm, interesting comments. I don't care about birthdays - wife's side of the family have fallen out gradually over the years because someone forgot a birthday!
But Xmas? Kids off school/back from Uni, we're off work - it's a chance for us all to be together with decent food and drink and no worries about having to get up early the next day. We lose track of time over Xmas, "what days is it?" "No idea" etc etc.
Xmas is magical to me and the seeing the look on the kids faces when unwrapping their prezzies is priceless. It's the one time of the year we splurge.
But Xmas? Kids off school/back from Uni, we're off work - it's a chance for us all to be together with decent food and drink and no worries about having to get up early the next day. We lose track of time over Xmas, "what days is it?" "No idea" etc etc.
Xmas is magical to me and the seeing the look on the kids faces when unwrapping their prezzies is priceless. It's the one time of the year we splurge.
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