Having monthly English lessons on the forums?

5 Dec 2006
A lot of users have utterly appalling English skills on these forums. Most, if not all of these people aren't in school anymore, so they will probably live the rest of their lives not knowing the correct form. Would it not be a good idea to have monthly English grammar/punctuation lessons? If anybody is caught getting that month's lesson wrong then they are given an hour long ban or something?

I've already devised the first lesson as an example:

Lesson 1 - of, have.

It's extremely common for people to get mixed up with these. When speaking fast people usually say "should've" but when they write this down they seem to use "should have" because it sounds like the pronunciation of should've.

Bob should have paid attention at school.

Bob should of paid attention at school.
A lot of users have utterly appalling English skills on these forums. Most, if not all of these people aren't in school anymore, so they will probably live the rest of their lives not knowing the correct form. Would it not be a good idea to have monthly English grammar/punctuation lessons? If anybody is caught getting that month's lesson wrong then they are given an hour long ban or something?

I've already devised the first lesson as an example:

Lesson 1 - of, have.

It's extremely common for people to get mixed up with these. When speaking fast people usually say "should've" but when they write this down they seem to use "should have" because it sounds like the pronunciation of should've.

Bob should have paid attention at school.

Bob should of paid attention at school.

I really don't see how it matters? Stop being so patronizing and get a grip.
I really don't see how it matters? Stop being so patronizing and get a grip.
Just trying to be helpful. Wasn't my intention to patronise you CasKirensys. It's not aimed at you, or anyone else for that matter.

The "ban" bit wasn't serious by the way, that would just be completely silly, I hoped people wouldn't take that seriously. :(
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The people who fail at English probably won't bother reading these threads.

I really wish people would stop saying "brought" when they mean "bought" though. Morons TBH.

What is even more strange is that more often than not these people are the same ones that claim foreigners are taking their jobs and to "send them back". Maybe if you could speak your own language you might be considered for that job at McDonald's.
It's pretty annoying.

But it's just internet you know? If I saw someone writing like that in a journal or scholarly review then there is a problem. :p
Just trying to be helpful. Wasn't my intention to patronise you CasKirensys. It's not aimed at you, or anyone else for that matter.

The "ban" bit wasn't serious by the way, that would just be completely silly, I hoped people wouldn't take that seriously. :(

I don't feel patronised by it, I just found it to be a very patronising post, I don't feel the "lessons" would be of any use to me, as I think I have a decent knowledge of the English language, I just make stupid mistakes when I'm tired/rushing.

I just don't see how it matters so much with how people type on a forum, as long as it is easy enough to read. If people want to learn how to type/write/speak properly, they will go about learning, if not, they won't. It shouldn't be getting shoved in their faces on a forum they use as entertainment.

Edit: Apparently I'm tired and did a booboo ;)
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I don't feel patronised by it, I just found it to be a very patronising post, I don't feel the "lessons" would be of any use to me, as I think I have a decent knowledge of the English language, I just make stupid mistakes when I'm tired/rushing.

I just don't see how it matters so much with how people type on a forum, as long as it is easy enough to read. If people want to learn how to type/write/speak properly, they will go about learning, if not, they won't. It should be getting shoved in their faces on a forum they use as entertainment.

This basically.

(I dislike agreeing with a Sheffield United fan :( )
I hope this is a joke?

Otherwise You should bugger off

Haha. :D

I'm with the other posters though, it's patronising even if that isn't your intention. The people who present their posts in those ways aren't going to change, we have monthly threads pretty much dedicated to the rage that people feel when they read brought instead of bought, could have instead of could have, more then instead of more than, for example. A thread dedicated to helping these people is just going to fall on deaf ears and make the participants look like a bunch of thickos when in reality I think it's more likely that they just can't be bothered to type properly, or type words how they sound instead of how they're spelt.
The people who fail at English probably won't bother reading these threads.

I really wish people would stop saying "brought" when they mean "bought" though. Morons TBH.

What is even more strange is that more often than not these people are the same ones that claim foreigners are taking their jobs and to "send them back". Maybe if you could speak your own language you might be considered for that job at McDonald's.

You may approve "off" my sig :p
I must admit, people who don't know the difference between their,there and they're do get on my ****.

People who don't know the difference don't annoy me.

People who don't care about getting even basic bits of English right do annoy me.

People who don't care about getting even basic bits of English right and who deride and insult those who do care really annoy me.

Ignorance is far better than not giving a damn. Not giving a damn is far better than deliberately promoting degradation of the language.

A casual environment does make it reasonable to use language casually, i.e. not formally. It doesn't make it reasonable to get the basics wrong and insult anyone who cares.
frankly i don't a dam

see what i did their ? :p

to be honest though, when im typing on a forum at 3am on my crappy phone im not really watching my grammar.
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