Hawkeye TV show

13 Mar 2007
South Yorkshire

This holiday season, the best gifts come with a bow. Watch the new trailer for Marvel Studios’ “Hawkeye,” and start streaming the Original Series November 24 on Disney+
I'm a big fan of both the MCU's version of Hawkeye and of the actors involved but it feels odd that the "Hawkeye" moniker looks like it's not being passed to the daughter he was shown training in Endgame but to a random stranger. Either way I'll give it a watch as, from the trailer at least, this has the right sort of comedy that both actors do well in.
Well his daughter is a bit young, maybe she'll play a part in the young avengers thing they're sort of setting up.

That was my understanding for this series, a passing of the torch as it were to his mid/late teen daughter getting her ready for the Young Avengers (if it happens) rather than passing it to a mid 20's stranger as doing that seems to leave no connection between OG Hawkeye and new Hawkeye, unless we're getting the pretty tired trope of "the new Hawkeye needs a father figure" etc? It also would make the "Young" avengers all a bit old already with a few characters/actors already mid-20's right now (so 30-ish if it happens).
Barton's daughter was never Hawkeye in the comics. Kate Bishop on the other hand was Hawkeye and part of the Young Avengers.

I didn't know that (not read any comics) I just thought the Endgame scene of him teaching his daughter meant more than it subsequently turned out to have meant, cheers for the info!
Am I the only one who thinks of this guy whenever Hawkeye is mentioned?

Am I the only one who thinks of this guy whenever Hawkeye is mentioned?


Nope, it went through my head "why are they doing a show about a character from the M*A*S*H Series" :) Then came in here and was like "oh, yeah of course".
Argh! Was expecting this to be terrible, but it doesn't look too bad - however I'm not really interested in Hawkeye and especially not Black Widow (movie sucked).

Looks fun, but i'm more hyped to see Rogers - The Musical.
I guess teaching someone archery is different to making them a killer. I imagine Clint wouldn't want that for his kids.

This, especially after what he went through and what he lost during the snap, aftermath and losing Natasha.

I thought Clint also had military background and he was also a agent for Sheild for a long time so i doubt he could train her to be the next Hawkeye without her having that training and background.
So... this is actually really great (based on the first couple of episodes, anyway).

It's like Netflix's Daredevil and Miracle on 34th Street had a lovechild :cry: Just silly fun. Not to be taken too seriously. Kate Bishop is a way bigger part, far earlier, versus what I was expecting. Could reasonably be argued that she's the main character, not Clint Barton.
Hmmmm not sure I like this which is a shame because as mentioned earlier I like both actors and I like Hawkeye as a "grounded" hero but everything about Kate's backstory is really badly done (I'm amazed Vera Farmiga took this low quality part) and I'm getting serious Star Wars ST vibes between the grumpy old male master and the young girl who is supposed to replace him (i.e. Luke & Rey = Clint and Kate) but at least Kate is being shown to be an imperfect mess at the start and someone who has years of training, which is a bonus I suppose.

Maybe I'm being a bit harsh, I mean I liked the LARP stuff and how Clint tells his wife everything (good continuity) but it's just feels a little flat right now. For example things like casting Steinfeld, who usually does that cutesy awkward type of humour in her sleep, yet in this all her humour for me just fell flat. Maybe it's MCU tiredness etc but it's was only "just" OK-ish in parts (mostly Clint bits for me).
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