In my opinion you should do it prior to your CBT
-- SNIP --
All of that might just make everyone a wee bit safer and more considerate on the roads.
I think what irks me is that the hazard perception is identical to the one I did for my car theory.
Had I failed, I would have still held a full car licence, but apparently not be aware of hazards! Seems odd to me.
I would hope the fact I had a full car licence would be proof that I had hazard awareness, if not, why do they trust me to drive a car?
Perhaps recurrent testing is the key, most people can drive safe enough to get through the tests, how about for the rest of their lives?
Some other gripes about hazard perception:
- No indication of what route the car is taking (the bike 500m up the road doesn't matter if you're taking the left in 20m)
- Fixed forward view (not even any mirrors), like you are driving in a straitjacket
- Filmed on a potato (240p anyone?)
- Bad driving from the hazard perception car (some things only become hazards because of these)