HD vs Bluray.....Your speculation..

15 Mar 2005
I am everywhere...
The following companies supports Bluray

Mitsubishi Electric
Twentieth Century Fox
Walt Disney
Warner Bros.
For more info see http://www.blu-raydisc.com/general_information/Section-14009/Index.html

While the following supports the HD DVD
ALMEDIO INC. Mitsui Chemicals, Inc.
Broadcom Corporation NEC Electronics Corporation
CANON INC. NEC Fielding,Ltd.
CMC Magnetics Corporation NIHONVTR INC.
Digital Theater Systems Paramount Home Entertainment
Diskware Co., Ltd. PONY CANYON INC.
EXPERT MAGNETICS Corp. PonyCanyon Enterprise INC.
FUJI PHOTO FILM CO., LTD. Prodisc Technology Inc.
Fujitsu Limited. Protron Digital Inc.
Hewlett-Packard Company Q-TEC,INC.
Hitachi Maxell, Ltd. RITEK CORPORATION
Imation Corp SANYO Electric Co., Ltd.
Intel Corporation TAIYO YUDEN CO.,LTD.
Interchannel, Ltd. TEAC CORPORATION
ITRI Toemi Media Solutions Limited
Justsystem Corporation TOPPAN PRINTING CO., LTD.
kinyosha printing co.,ltd. TOSHIBA ENTERTAINMENT INC.
KITANO CO.,LTD. Toshiba Samsung Storage Technology Corporation
Konica Minolta Opto, Inc. TOSHIBA-EMI LIMITED
Lenovo Japan TRENDY Corporation
McRAY Corporation Ulead Systems, Inc.
Memory-Tech Corporation Unaxis Balzers Ltd.
Microsoft Corporation Universal Pictures
Mitsubishi Kagaku Media Co., Ltd. / Verbatim Warner Home Video Inc.
more info here http://www.hddvdprg.com/about/member.html

Comparison btw both disc and the current dvd
The first Blu-ray discs can store 25GB of high-quality data, but will eventually be able to store 50GB.

Toshiba's HD DVD will hold 30GB.

By comparison, a standard single-layer DVD holds just under 5GB of data

Now that toshiba has launched it hd dvd player and sony looking to do the same soon, with all the list of companies in each member's list, how do you think the game will end? will this really be another VHS and Betamax war or we will have two good products in the market?..
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SideWinder said:
Bah, wish they all used the same format...just means having to have 2 seperate players? :rolleyes:

True but with having multiple brands and formats we have a wider choice, and we benefit from their price wars.
Look at the titles for HD-DVD then look at the titles announced for blu-ray...might make the decision easier. Also the price of the players might be an issue too.
Theoretically they are hoping to be able to develop BluRay to hold up to 200GB!!! (quad layered double sided)

BluRay writes same amounts of data faster, the players read faster, and most players have blue AND red lasers in to be backwards compatible.

HD-DVD is merely a progression of DVD

Easy to see what side i'm on? ;)
Paulus said:
is it possible for someone to bring out a machine that plays both ?

In theory, Yes - as it is about laser lights and reading the data off but i dont know if it would be possible in real life.
badgermonkey said:
Theoretically they are hoping to be able to develop BluRay to hold up to 200GB!!! (quad layered double sided)

No one cares about double layered, double sided DVD's now and manufacturers chose to use two double layered discs, same will happen with Blu Ray so you'll end up with a theoretical 100GB. With the efficiency of H264 encoding what do you need all that space for?

BluRay writes same amounts of data faster, the players read faster,

Great but this is about people watching films at home so that's no relevance to which will win.

and most players have blue AND red lasers in to be backwards compatible.

All Blu Ray and HD DVD players are backwards compatible with DVD, CD, etc.

HD-DVD is merely a progression of DVD

So what do you think Blu Ray is then, bearing in mind this is all about films what does Blu Ray offer to Joe Public other than eventually bigger disc space?

Easy to see what side i'm on? ;)

Given your reasoning so far I've no idea why, maybe you're still watching Beatamax and listening to MiniDiscs...
I may be wrong, but I believe I read HD-DVDs are both cheaper and faster to make on the production line, and DVD-making machinery needs considerably less adaptation to change to producing them.

On that basis, manufacturers will favor HD-DVD until Blue-Ray takes over (if it ever does).

Goatboy makes a very important point too - why need all that space? You won't notice much difference in a higher resolution on even the best screens of today, and are they really going to get any bigger/high resolution supporting? Alternatively, how many 30 hour films do you see?

At least for the moment, Blue-ray will interest private users before they interest commercial DVD sellers.
peteruk said:
I may be wrong, but I believe I read HD-DVDs are both cheaper and faster to make on the production line, and DVD-making machinery needs considerably less adaptation to change to producing them.

Correct and they are also planning to make hybrid discs containg both HD DVD and DVD versions of films.

Also worth a mention that the HD DVD players are a lot cheaper, £300 as opposed to £500.
iCraig said:
True but with having multiple brands and formats we have a wider choice, and we benefit from their price wars.

SideWinder said:
Good point. I'm just not looking forward to forking out for a different players.
Actually in this scenario I don't think it's good at all. Unlike ATI vs Nvidia or AMD Vs Intel to name but a few where competition is good, eventually one of these formats will almost certainly have to give way - just like Betamax back in the video format battles of old.

Hopefully (unlike the undeserved fate of Betamax), Blu-ray will lead the way. It's better technology in terms of speed and capacity.

As for people questioning space and why do we need it - kinda reminds me of those who constantly question faster CPUs etc and why we need those!
Domo said:
Kinda reminds me of those who constantly question faster CPUs etc and why we need those!

That's a fair comparison, but really the situation is quite different. With CPUs, there will always be increasing levels of complexity in the processes they will do.

However, with Film media (this is totally regardless of private data-storage uses of media), you will get to a point where the source resolution and quality will reach the highest distinguishable level even on the largest practicable display.

Like the bitrates on MP3s, you get to a point where we simply cannot notice an increase in quality, therefore increasing the quality/resolution of the source above this point is simply wasting space.
Domo said:
As for people questioning space and why do we need it - kinda reminds me of those who constantly question faster CPUs etc and why we need those!

That's a shockingly poor comparison.
More to the point does anyone care !!! For failing to agree on a standard they both deserve to fail, and hopefully they will :p

So the reason or need is to have HD films on disc...... hmmmm so if the average Joe was bothered about picture quality why do so many buy a £39 DVD player from Asda !!

Neither format has announced a "Music/Stereo" version, and with SACD and DVD-A loosing support where is the next hi resolution music system coming from ? ..... Sony/BlueRay I guess is the best chance, if they bother !

I find it easier to be satisfied with a level of picture quality than I can sound, and a good DVD player currently I think performs to point where most people don't have an issue, or consider it worth "upgrading"

Can't see these formats taking off until we hit the £99 player mark and the discs cost the same as current DVDs..... THEN they could phase out normal stuff....... Whats that 5 years ? if they can absorb the losses in the early years to subsidise the roll out.

Time to sit back and watch/read all the hype, bull and must have threads ;)
True but with having multiple brands and formats we have a wider choice, and we benefit from their price wars.

Standards don't work like that, sadly. It's going to be GSM vs. CDMA, PAL vs. NTSC, DVD-A vs. SACD, etc. all over again. Competing standards only lead to confussion, higher development costs and slow progresss.

Just look at the success of DVD. It was a success in no small part because it was a standard that everyone got behind. And I think you'll agree that there's lots of competition in the DVD player market.
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