The reason VHS won was the technology was licencessed to other manufacturers with JVC (victor) getting royalities. As more companies manufactured VHS the rental market also exploded almost overnight supporting it more than Betamax. It was the rental market that really helped sway it.
You had Sony a high quality brand name who had a good head start (had the original piano key style machine) but these were very expensive. Along comes VHS from several manufacturers and at a lower cost, hey presto. Err not everyone was into pron in the 80s, were your parents?
Regards HD formats
MANAGABLE COPIES is part of the blu ray spec but it will depend on each studio/release if they allow it to be a feature.
These players also have much more possibilities with interactivity, not just menus and i think blu ray supports java so expect a combination of games/graphics with video footage in special features etc.
Informative site
Nice to see this is still a great forum for arguing...