Headphone amp for 595s?

But the term "a lot" in audiophile conversation doesn't mean the same as it does in the real world. I'm just saying that I think many people (purchase justification aside) would be disappointed with the level of improvement given the sort of money you have to drop on most of these amps.

Some people choose to spend their money on neon lights, fan controllers, exotic fans and other things and that's fine, but none of this stuff turns me on. Some people may be disappointed that their expensive amplifier doesn't produce the leap in audio quality they had anticipated but life's more complicated than that. You may have been disappointed by the experience, you don't say whether this is the case. Have you actually tried listening to the difference and if so how extensive is your experience. Your talking like the father of an only child saying I've tried sex once and it's no fun.

You're quite right to observe that the term "a lot" doesn't reveal much about the subject, but neither does your post, which as it stands says nothing more than I don't think that amping a set of decent 'phones is worth the money. Thus revealing no more than the fact that you have an opinion on the topic. However, if you'd care to share just how you reached this opinion by mentioning for example, how many amped headphones have you tried and for how long, people could decide just how useful your opinion is to them.

I don't often make direct recommendations on these threads, neither do I come to tell people what they should like or to evangelise. I come here to share my experience and views with others with similar interests. I've learned a lot from other people's experience on this and other forums. However, I've learned very little from people who make unqualified pronouncements on the merits or demerits of anything.

I think that people who decide on their purchases on the basis of simple recommendations, or a vote of simple recommendations are much more likely to be disappointed with the consequences.:)
Well I found a pair of 595s in stock for £80 delivered so should have them early next week. Thanks for the help guys, this subject has been giving me a headache :(
Good post and I accept your point.

It's not a waste of time if you're an enthusiast and it gives you more enjoyment, but to be cavalier and spend money for the sake of it is. To fret over an amplifier before you've even bought and evaluated the headphones, just because people tell you that you 'need to have one' is daft.

I've owned the HD201, HD595, HD650, Grado MS-1 and AKG K701 and used them with an Amp-In-A-Tin job, a NAD stereo amp, the discrete headphone amp with a Zhaolu DAC, a Meier-Audio Headfive and briefly with an unknown tube amp (650s). No experience with genuinely high-end amps, but enough to have a valid opinion here.
Well got my 595s, they sound great without an amp. I can imagine they'd sound a bit fuller with one though :)

The experience reminds me of using unamped 6x9s in my car..
I have the 595s and recommend not to buy an amp to start with. If you like them and you plan to get some more headphones it might be an idea to get an small one to see if you can notice the difference. I, personally, notice the difference quite substantially to not using one.
i have the ASTRO A40 audio system and it is awesome for gaming as well as movies and music if you buy the complete audio package you get the headset aswell as the mix/amp it really is good
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