Hearts of Iron 4

Got over 1000 hours in this but not played for a while but picked up the latest DLC and been playing as Argentina. Every DLC adds yet more achievements for me to go hunt so pushes the the bar higher! Still miles off having them all 125/211...

Really enjoyed my game last night, one of those runaway gaming sessions where 1am came around without me realising!
Three achievements this weekend taking me to 127/211.

Isla Malvinas - pretty sure you can guess this one...

Lamento Boliviano - As Argentina own all of Latin America except Bolivia - Brazil and Peru are the big giants to take down here, then save the imperial nation colonies for last once you've got strong and cored a bunch of South American territories. As soon as you get this achievement, justify on Bolivia for...

Rumble in the Jungle - own all Amazon states as a South American nation.

I now have an extremely strong Argentina with a big manpower, but I have been perpetually short on steel which is massively hampering my production and since I have no other fascist friends in the world and the Soviets are getting a kicking from the Allies....I think this save is done.
Just finished a USA world conquest game of this. Took forever, I always forget how much work the USA is with its two theaters and massive fleets. :(
Been smashing through a few more easy achievements recently, have got Not Much Fun in Stalingrad, By Beer Alone, Around Eurasia in 80 Days, Pizza Time (best one!) and Collect all the Romes.

Up to 146/211 now. Been flipping through the ones that remain and they are all just hard now!
Just completed Cisplatine War 2, Electric Boogaloo...

Went as Argentina down the communist path, had to get an intelligence agency fairly early on to boost communism in Uruguay to over 50%, then launched a coup, sent them volunteers to ensure they won, then declared war on Brazil. Not difficult but is a bit frustrating with your spies constantly being captured and having to rescue them.

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Do you know if they have fixed the 'Shaken, not stirred' and 'Our chief weapon is suprise' achievments yet?

I haven't played since Arms against tyranny was released, but had 169/171 achievments, I just couldn't get the last two as PDX confirmed they were both bugged :-(
Not sure to be honest, they are both two that I got quite a few years ago. I vaguely recall Our Chief Weapon being a bit frustrating but doable over time.

That's impressive stuff though, 169! Some of them just take SOOOOO long and can be frustrating as hell!

The main ones I've got to go are mostly Balkans and Scandinavia related, where focus trees and political mechanisms can be a bit of a brain ache and require a fair bit of figuring out. Its why I've been putting them off. Quite a few for Poland/Bulgaria/Romania to do too.
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Our Chief Weapon is Surprise....completed.

A total drag this was, once you win the civil war, the main thing to do was to just let the war play out a bit before choosing sides. I eventually went for the axis as they looked strongest and were more suited to my ideology, so once we shored up northern France then wiped out the Soviets (I played only a small role) it was all about having enough divisions for coastal defence (if needed) then orchestrating coups. To do so you have to lower their stability and also boost your ideology so a coup can be prepared. You also need to do a coup on a country that has more than one tile, that way you can select the target state - smaller one tile nations you can't do a coup.

Spent more of that just watching Youtube and occasionally checking in to the game.....oh well.....a garbage achievement to be honest.

That's now 103/132.

Honestly I used to spend as long researching some of those achievements as I did actually playing the game.

One wrong click in the focus tree, or doing something slightly out of sequence can result in having to restart the whole campaign, which I used to find very frustrating.

I've played Stellaris, EU4, CK2 and CK3, and HOI4 is the only one where I used to have to print out instructions for completing the achievement lol.
Honestly I used to spend as long researching some of those achievements as I did actually playing the game.

One wrong click in the focus tree, or doing something slightly out of sequence can result in having to restart the whole campaign, which I used to find very frustrating.

I've played Stellaris, EU4, CK2 and CK3, and HOI4 is the only one where I used to have to print out instructions for completing the achievement lol.


Though I am trying more and more to just spontaneously play around with my campaigns and just see where they lead and learn from doing rather than being TOO prescriptive, that way I don't end up too downhearted when something goes wrong. But you're dead right, a slight mis-click, something out of sequence and its a restart, flushing 4 hours down the loo!

Any achievements to do with Spain or Poland usually give me the shivers.

The thing that has made me fail achievements more than anything else has been the outcome of peace conferences and that even after 1000+ hours I still don't really understand how they work and how to get what you want! Most recent annoyance was enforcing a peace deal on Germany that demilitarised the Rhineland.....little did I realise was that the achievement wanted both the Rhineland and the Mosselland demilitarised....so had to go through the whole campaign again!
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Need some advice if anyone else has experienced the same issue - I've lost my sound in-game. I've no idea why it has happened - and I can't seem to fix it. I've had a look online and I've tried the remedies that have been suggested to no avail. It's only in this game though - everything else is fine!?
Need some advice if anyone else has experienced the same issue - I've lost my sound in-game. I've no idea why it has happened - and I can't seem to fix it. I've had a look online and I've tried the remedies that have been suggested to no avail. It's only in this game though - everything else is fine!?
Have you tried verifying game integrity through Steam?
I remember Windows has a mixer setting somewhere in sound properties. I never used it but I recall the mixer could change the volume of individual apps, maybe somehow HoI has been muted by that mixer. I can't help exactly where this is in Windows settings, but it is there somewhere, in Win10 anyway.
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