We didn't really give much consideration to the distance between the heat pump and the hot water cylinder and the UFH manifold, are we losing much in the way of having long runs? I'd estimate that there's a good 15m+ of pipe between the heat pump and the cylinder, then a further 8m from cylinder to manifold!! Guess we're losing a fair amount of heat along the route, will do my best to ensure the insulation is as good as can be.
Heat pump is outside, under the kitchen window - 28mm glow and return pipework comes through the soffit, through the flat part of the vaulted ceiling (completely inaccessible now!), through eaves cupboards in the vaulted mezzanine area, then in to attic space down the length of the house, before going across in to what will be the family bathroom. Then that returns to the manifold in 22mm pipework.
The most recent job I did, the pipework was under the ground and ran for around 20m before entering the house, then a further 10m inside which wasn’t a problem,
The main problem was wind, the condenser was out on the open. So they wind chill was playing a major effect with its performance,
Moved it to here from the other side of the building - https://flic.kr/p/2pfZX9U
Main buffer tank installed and flow and return pipes routed through to there plant room - https://flic.kr/p/2pg6DNa
Then the main plant room, with the water tank, pumps, manifolds, and ASHP boiler - https://flic.kr/p/2pg7fYg