
You're on the internet, everyone here is 6'+ and built like an Adonis.

Maybe most people who've posted are as tall as they say as perhaps it's somewhat self selecting in terms of who will reply to such topics or maybe there's some exaggeration going on as mentioned.

well I am 6' and a bit but I am most definitely not an Adonis :P
I'm only 5'1 and it doesn't bother me one bit, I don't suffer from 'small man syndrome' either. Being small does have it's advantages as well :)
Where are all these 5ft 9 people?

Everyone around here is 6ftish as an average?

Here! As a completely honest answer though, no shoes etc. I would say most blokes I see seem to be taller, but it probably does average out as a fairly typical height. It's a practical, good all-round height anyhow as I guess ergonomic stuff is based around such a height! 5'11" seems ideal though :o
I'm 5,7, shorter than most of my mates but not by a lot, apart from 1 guy who is 6,7 but he's just a lanky bugger, I would rather be 5,7

It does depend on build my husband not that tall 5' 8" but he makes up for it in stance, power-lifting, the times i have to walk on his back :D I'm 5' 6" but tiny build but then female. He got invited to play rugby by the local team. So height really doesn't matter that much. ;)

I think i've always gone for shorter guys because all my brothers were 6' 3" and i'm the runt of the litter.
I feel for you, I was about 5'4" until around 17/18, always felt like my height was holding me back etc, then I had a very late growth spurt and grew about 6" in 18 months! I found that the only difference it made though was that I could then reach things off the top shelf, people treated me no differently, and the girls still wouldn't talk to me :p I'm 25 now and still 5'10, after realising how little difference height actually makes I wouldn't care too much if I shrunk back down to 5'4. Just gotta realise that no one actually cares about your height but you!
Serious answer time now, im 6'3", but would rather be an inch or two taller.

Mainly because im quite broad, around 220lbs, 33" waist, and think an extra inch or two would make it easier to wear some things without looking weird.

Who knows lol?
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