Heinz Tomato Ketchup... is it just me?

Mushrooms are disgusting. Why anyone would eat a fungus I don't know. next time someone I know has an infection on their foot I'll send them to you :confused:

People eat tasty chemicals every day and think nothing of it.
Its natural fungus from the ground, and it's tasty? I'm sure the chemicals are worse.
It's not off a human foot is it.

That really annoys me, when someone won't eat a food because "eww it came from there", it's like when people get grossed out that i eat offal. So what it's tasty? Liver and onion gravy is possibly one of the most awesome dishes known to man.

(I'm half expecting a ban for liking mushrooms) :D
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I love cheese, yet it is produced with the same bacteria as what is found on your feet. And I'm not grossed out (but when its put like that perhaps I should be) :confused:
I've recently upgraded from Heinz tomato ketchup to.....Heinz 'special' tomato ketchup! Supermarket had it on a special for £1 a bottle and it tastes significantly better than the normal stuff, almost like a tomato relish.
Mushrooms are disgusting. Why anyone would eat a fungus I don't know. next time someone I know has an infection on their foot I'll send them to you :confused:

Sorry Gilly, Mushrooms are awesome and an essential part of a full English breakfast.

with brown sauce of course, the only place i touch ketchup is with oven chips because they are mega pants.
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