Helldivers 2

Portable Hellbomb?! You son of a bitch, I'm in!

Seriously though the rate of team wipes and heroric sacrifice meme videos will spike but it probably won't be my next priority warbond.
Sadly after 300 hours i've kind of lost interest to play the game. I will say that for anyone considering it, it is a lot of fun, especially when you're at that "find out what this cool thing i've just unlocked does" and still trying to find your favourite weapons, stratagems, and loadouts.
Sadly after 300 hours i've kind of lost interest to play the game. I will say that for anyone considering it, it is a lot of fun, especially when you're at that "find out what this cool thing i've just unlocked does" and still trying to find your favourite weapons, stratagems, and loadouts.

Just over 130 hours I think and I just went cold on it, all the drama and stuff and the direction with changes at the time just killed the game for me and though I occasionally jump in do a quick mid-level mission solo as a kind of chilled out experience and check out the changes for some reason I just can't get back into playing it properly.
I done a few low level runs in past two days to get back into the keybinds. More than half a year break means you forget a lot. I think the shine is off because the sheer volume of co-op players on this back then was part of the buzz and there's only a certain amount of bugs and bots you need to kill before you have done it all. I got the warbond as I had credits already but agree its hard to get back into it again.
I don’t think it will be, it’s a compromise. You’re not getting your extra grenades or stims, but you get to have an MG as your primary.

Must say was loving it last night, double sickle as primary, Quaser and Jet Pack for mobility, wrecking bots :3
I spoke too soon, or maybe I was playing on an ice planet - but I don’t have infinite ammo with the double sickle anymore ;(
Can players still be kicked by the host?

I'm not a terrible player, but when I first started out I was getting kicked at the end of a few games and it put me right off. Might give it another go if it's not like that now
Can players still be kicked by the host?

I'm not a terrible player, but when I first started out I was getting kicked at the end of a few games and it put me right off. Might give it another go if it's not like that now

Yes, hosts can kick.

This game doesn't really work joining in with randos. Get a group of friends together and it's brilliant.
If you get kicked you get put in an instance on your own so you can still finish the mission solo with all your samples and your teammates samples are laying on the ground.
At least thats what happened to me, i had a guy who kept walking in front on my turrets and dying so he tk'ed me and kicked me after i explained the error of his ways.
I tried to get back into playing a few weeks ago but after a few rounds i was bored and the game seemed more toxic but that could just be the few games i played.
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In 200 hours @ lvl 90 I can count on 1 hand the amount of times I've been 'unfairly' kicked (I have been removed once we've got back to the ship, for instance) or had any serious toxicity. If anything, this is one of the more friendly MP games I've ever played.

However, I turned off crossplay a long time ago and noticed a big increase in general positivity.
I bought initially for multiplayer with friends but been doing some dailes solo lately to unlock some of the stronger gear.

i have to say i am really enjoying this well worth the £20ish i paid, though i am wishing i had ponied up the extra £6 for the deluxe version (for more shinies) . Now i have unlocked some of the better gear (only level 10 so still plenty to go) and a group of 4 of us now upping the difficulty a bit and i am really appreciating this game now - still only up to challenging at moment, i dont imagine we will get to do the hardest levels!.

i dont do microtansactions so it will be a slog to unlock all the battle passes (in reality it isnt gonna happen!) but aside from that is great. Absolutely apes every sci fi film made in the last few decades.... and this is a good thing! and the weapons feel really satisfying
(some of the orbital strikes are brutal)
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I bought initially for multiplayer with friends but been doing some dailes solo lately to unlock some of the stronger gear.

i have to say i am really enjoying this well worth the £20ish i paid, though i am wishing i had ponied up the extra £6 for the deluxe version (for more shinies) . Now i have unlocked some of the better gear (only level 10 so still plenty to go) and a group of 4 of us now upping the difficulty a bit and i am really appreciating this game now - still only up to challenging at moment, i dont imagine we will get to do the hardest levels!.

i dont do microtansactions so it will be a slog to unlock all the battle passes (in reality it isnt gonna happen!) but aside from that is great. Absolutely apes every sci fi film made in the last few decades.... and this is a good thing! and the weapons feel really satisfying
(some of the orbital strikes are brutal)
That's the thing with new players today.

There is so many warbonds and each 1 costing 1k Super Credits. I've played since the beginning and when a new 1 comes out I can grab it and then use my medals on them. Because of this I can spend the time between the warbonds collecting any super credits as I go and save them up for the next 1.

You get back 300 Super Credits for medals in each warbond but you have to spend the 1k to unlock it in the first place.

Would be good to get a team of players together and do some Super Credit farming!

I must be at about 500 Hours and rank 140 by now.
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I really enjoyed this game purely for the spectacle and atmosphere, but I suck at playing it. Haven't played it for a while as I'm too rubbish to play with randoms. I think it's an amazing game though.
I really enjoyed this game purely for the spectacle and atmosphere, but I suck at playing it. Haven't played it for a while as I'm too rubbish to play with randoms. I think it's an amazing game though.
Join in with randoms, I've only ever played with randoms and had no issues. Stick with someone\group until you get better and you should be fine

Got a friend that joins from time to time as well but its great fun.

Only time I played solo was doing super credit farming and that's just I do not ruin other peoples games doing my own thing
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