Helldivers 2

So we somehow managed to close a bug hole yesterday with someone dropping down it with a reinforce pod... Never seen it before and my mate said he was then stuck under the map!

Would need somebody with the nogging for it though as I certainly don’t have the headpiece :D

Takes 2 minutes to setup a basic discord server I could set 1 up at some point tonight if you like or you could just use the underclockers UK server

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Are the daily medal missions back on? Not been on for a few days, but it seemed that they have been missing since the server issues peaked.
Are the daily medal missions back on? Not been on for a few days, but it seemed that they have been missing since the server issues peaked.
Not currently.

Once you run through them all with the Anti Material Rifle 60 kills being the final one, that is currently it.

Im not sure it was meant to be final but that they didn't add new missions to the pile due to all the issues. Maybe they'll come back at some point.
They need to improve all the other guns not nerf the one that actually works :cry:
Thankfully they currently are saying promising things in that regards, in that some weapons are underperforming and need to be balanced up. I do think the team is more inclined to buffing weapons than nerfing them. Unless something was clearly unintentional such as a bug making a weapon fire 1000% faster, then i would expect nerfs :D
Don't use the laser thing that costs about 30 medal's, its crap.

Actually its crap against bug's, i haven't tried it against bot's, it might be really good there.

Up to this point for Strategem weapons i still like the Stalwart + laser Guard Dog, its not as hard hitting as some of the other Strategem gun's you can get but it is good for obliterating hoards like Rambo.
The laser Guard Dog is effective if you're swamped and they get too close, if you know how to watch it it also acts like a radar as its always targeting the closest thing too you so it will point at stuff behind you when you don't see it.
Don't bother with the ballistic Guard Dog, its no more effective than the laser one only its constantly reloading ammo and it doesn't take long before its out completely, and then its useless.

It also annoys my mates, bonus...
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The laser Guard Dog is great until it turns on you and kills you. If they do nerf the breaker i think they'll just increase the spread so its more like the incinerator breaker.
The laser Guard Dog is great until it turns on you and kills you. If they do nerf the breaker i think they'll just increase the spread so its more like the incinerator breaker.

Its done that to me a few times, but its also saved my life more times than i can count, on balance its worth it.
Well it certainly more fun than just using the shield.
I swear I get lightly singed by my teammates guard dogs every 30 seconds...

Definitely agree there are way more fun things than using the shield, I can't stop using the jet pack at the moment but the assisted reload with the backpack is also so much fun.
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