Helldivers 2

The amount of times i've died in the Exosuit due to my poor positioning and firing a rocket that hit an object close to me which ended in me exploding in a ball of death has me so annoyed yet in stitches from laughter.
Ahhh. I’ve ‘randomly’ died a few times in my exosuit now where it’s seemingly just blown up and thought it maybe a bug. It seems I’m crap in one of those as well as calling in stratagems in that case.
Says launch a supported game for me, how did you get it to work?
I didn't do anything special, just set it as you would any other game. The only thing I've noticed is that for some reason it never works the first time I launch the game, I have to launch it once and then launch it again for the RTX HDR to kick in, no idea why. Maybe try that?
Has anyone used a stream deck or similar and configured it to call stratagems yet?

Yup :D
Game running like **** for me tonight, multiple failed reloads where I've cleanly reloaded a weapon switched to something else and switched back and it is back to an empty mag, getting killed by bugs instantly out of nowhere or from 3 times the range they should be able to, etc.

Bit annoying/weird as I'll have an hour where everything works fine, then an hour where all kinds of things just have a meltdown :(

EDIT: Also since 2 updates back hit markers aren't remotely reliable, I think only about 10% of the time the red ones even show at all when they should and for long periods of gameplay even the white ones are absent.

EDIT2: And for second time tonight had to quit out due to stratagem select bug at readying up... FFS.

EDIT3: Got a black screen for 2-3 seconds mid mission and then just appeared back on my ship, no kicked or lost connection to host, etc. message... turning into a bit of a shambles tonight.
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