Helldivers 2

Can't even play at the moment :( Quick Play just keeps rolling over at receiving data, then looking for beacons again, repeat, trying to start a mission myself just dumps me back to my ship again as soon as I land with no errors. If I try to join another player directly just says the session is full even if they are on their own.

EDIT: Managed to get one good game in then the next everything went to **** nothing working right, died 3 times before I'd even got 20 feet from landing due to failed reloads and unable to get back up again after diving, etc.
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Can't even play at the moment :( Quick Play just keeps rolling over at receiving data, then looking for beacons again, repeat, trying to start a mission myself just dumps me back to my ship again as soon as I land with no errors. If I try to join another player directly just says the session is full even if they are on their own.

EDIT: Managed to get one good game in then the next everything went to **** nothing working right, died 3 times before I'd even got 20 feet from landing due to failed reloads and unable to get back up again after diving, etc.
Strange, I have been playing from like 6am until 9:30am using quick match without an issue
I did experience the dump to ship once, and seen the PS5 mate hard crash console which he says no other games manage to do! So yeah still some back end items to work on.
After the update my issue of crashing seems to have lessened. Only got 1 so far yesterday.
Shame I don’t have a mic. Never been in to talking while gaming. But some of the games I get kicked off just because I don’t have a mic
Carrying 19 common and 15 rare. Fell down a pit. Gutting

What are peeps using against Bugs vs Bots. I haven't quite got a new load out nailed since the changes.
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Not sure if they mean the in game setting or not but in game has super sampling and ultra super sampling - my FPS standing on the deck of the super destroyer is 210 with ultra quality (what I normally use), 170 with native, 100 with super sampling.
Oh jve enabled that motion frames generation ting where the card makes up extra frames outside the game.it efecfivlt seems to doubble the fps
The new sickle weapon is very nice on colder climates. Basically unlimited ammo, no recoil, pin point accuracy. I love it!

It's totally going to get nerfed. I haven't tried it on hot planets yet but guess it'll overheat fast.
Hadn't realised that planet temperature affects the overheat mechanic! I've been using the Sickle on the currently active Automaton planet and enjoying it a lot. Even if you do overheat and need to reload, it's still got plenty of reloads!
The game has several different types of credits for unlocking content, including super credits you can buy with actual money, and "medals" which are used for a bunch of stuff and also a few different types of "samples" - common, rare, etc. it makes more sense to play it and see though than for someone to try and explain it.
Thank you, can't wait to jump in
@humbug this is purely for illustation purposes, any names used are entirely fictional and do not represent real characters like @pete910 and @Zenduri :D
I wont mention the fact that the medium only crew dabbled in some hard level games for 50% of the team to be stood still fighting bugs, swarmed by chargers, complaining about the chargers then regaling how many bugs they killed once we run out reinforcements meaning the whole mission was a waste :cry::rolleyes::D

Never have I played on "Hard" difficulty and it's felt like it was set to "Impossible"

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The comments on this have to be some of the best on the internet LOL "You wouldn't download a car".

This is probably why the serves are regularly going into meltdown :o

And some apparently unintended comedy:

(Read the comments after watching the video)
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