Helldivers 2

Not liking the roving fire weather effects, fire tornadoes?

Have had multiple games now where they have served as very effective means of denying access to critical control panels for minutes on end causing issues with completing objectives within thr time limit.

Also having quite a few crashes now which is rather frustrating 20 to 30 minutes into a game when you're on your way to extract with lots of samples and all primary/ secondary objectives complete!
Mine is the iron storm that stops you calling anything down.

If you have an objective that requires you to call down a stratagem you can't until the storms stopped.
I totally agree, the iron storms absolutely do my nut. Most of the systems in the game are good, even the friendly fire but for some reason I just don't find the iron storms fun or interesting in any way. Just annoying.
Think the problem I've got with the Ion Storms, is that they don't seem to have any negative impact on the Bots (think I've only seen it on Bot maps...). I'd not mind it so much if it caused some oddities with their behaviour, and limited the bot drops, but I don't think that happens at all? Happy to be corrected if that does happen and I've just not noticed it though :D
Yeah exactly, all the iron storms do is punish the player. They don't have any affect on the Automatons at all.
Yeah that isnt a bad idea. Its just not interesting at the moment. Its basically a Stop having fun game mechanic
I've not experienced it myself but apparently their wings when killed can fall and instantly kill you in the exosuit.

Yeah I’m trucking along happy as Larry, with full health, and the bird thing just went past and I exploded instantly, was very funny but also annoying AF
HD2 has an obsession with killing players in a myriad of crazy ways and with stuff that can easily one-shot or two-shot you, even when you are doing your best to avoid or mitigate it. I get that the devs probably think this is funny and they expect players to find it funny too. And for the first few times, it is. Then it rapidly gets old.

Add to this all the crashes, disconnects, bugs, balance issues and multiple ways to fail, it does start to feel like the game doesn't respect time invested very well. I'm not saying there's no fun to be had, but for a game that expects players to sink time into long missions and grind out rewards and community orders, they need to do much better with respecting player time.
Nah couldn’t agree less there. It’s a game built around chaos. Yes there are grindy elements for the hardcore player base, but this is a game designed around casual fun.

Granted think I don’t think I’ve played on the top two difficulties, but I’m not convinced me and the boys have ever failed a mission. Failed to extract successfully a few times, but never failed a mission.
Is there any situation where taking heavier armour is actually beneficial? in a "devs don't understand their own game" moment - it seems to me any situation you are taking damage, except maybe on the easiest setting, you are pretty much dead, mobility is key for staying alive. You'd need like 20x the armour rating to be able to "stand and bang" with the enemy in any kind of useful way. Though an armour set with a big defensive boost, resistance to player damage and access to/bonus to melee weapons would be kind of hilarious against bugs.
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