Hellingly Lunatic Asylum

im not normaly a fan of urban stuff but these are fantasic, love the pp, the rough edgy pp really suits the photos, some nice selective colouring too used in just the right way.

1,3 and 7 stand out best for me. really great work.
im not normaly a fan of urban stuff but these are fantasic, love the pp, the rough edgy pp really suits the photos, some nice selective colouring too used in just the right way.

1,3 and 7 stand out best for me. really great work.

Thanks famas.

This is actually the first time I have used selective colouring. Number 1 and 7 are probably two of my personal favourites though.

I seem to be getting good feedback on number 3 which is surprising because it was a spur of the moment thing and just a bit of a test really. The first attempt the shadow was completely wrong, the 2nd time it was complete fluke that I got in the right position for that shadow :)
some amazing shots there !!!!! :( i take it you didnt go by yourself ?

Knowlesy! Me and you will have to go to St Mary's in Stannington!

Get someone from 28 Days later to take us :p

Nice shots :)

On the topic of St. Mary's, while the security has been stepped up lately it's not too bad so long as you don't arse around while inside, and be quick getting in. I've been about 10 times over the past two years and my latest was Sunday just gone, we got caught on the way out by the security guard who knows me by name now - they just walk you back to your car and take your reg, they will threaten you with police action but there is nothing the police can do about it. I'm not going to provide access details on a public forum but if your going to go don't park on the main road right outside of the site, you will get caught before you even get on the premises :p

See the link in my sig (NEUE) for a bit more detail if your really interested...

Fancy me tagging along sometime? :cool:

I'm only 16 tho, so i imagine that would put a lot of "UrbEx'ers" taking me along :o
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Bet you could get some good shots in those buildings with their roofs missing.

Some of the ceilings have fallen in throughout the building, but most are in tact.

I was actually preferring the darker areas though, especially as I had my flash and wireless triggers with me, as I could light up really dark foreground subjects and leave a long exposure going (number 7 for example).

As for settings, I found myself shooting in manual for most of them, F11-F13 with about 1-3 second exposures depending on light. I couldn't believe how much more flexibility I had once I had done this as it gave me much better control over the exposure (I know this is obvious but I don't normally shoot manual (unless shooting with off camera flash))
Cracking shots would love a go at something like that. Especially like #3

Hope you don't mind but I had a quick go at cloning out the window in #3:-


If you wanted it deleted/removed just say.
Well just got back from this place and all I can say is it is bloody amazing, spent about 5 hours in there and the whole time it was raining hard and thunder & lighting it was so mad spooky but very cool at the same time. Went a bit stupid and climbed up into a sort of bell town above the main hall but was well worth it. I got 14GB of shots to process when I get back home to Devon tomorrow so will post them up in a new thread. Its a very overwhelming place when you know how big it is inside and cant wait to go back.
What day did you go Willis?

I was supposed to let you know when I went again wasn't I? I haven't actually been back since hence no contact :p

Glad you had fun though. I need to pay another visit (seeing as it is only 10 mins down the road anyway) before the place gets knocked down!

EDIT: How random, Helen has just suggested we go there for a portrait shoot this weekend. Should make for some very cool atmospheric shots. Plus I won't have to fight with the wind to keep my umbrella/softbox upright :)
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