
Thanks Rich.. I can see why QMDs are pretty low down on the agenda!

Glad it's all going well, Hudzy - out of interest, what hardware are you Folding on?
Running on an X2 4400. Not overclocked. Got it running on both cores fine with no real increase in temperature so I'm happy with that. Don't think I can use my GPU since it's nVidia.
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Should rise up the charts pretty quickly with that CPU... at any rate the CPU WUs are so good at the moment that there's probably not much points benefit in using GPUs anyway!
Did manage to somehow lose the two projects I was working on. Probably because I terminated the processes. Thought it would just pick up where it left off on the next reboot. Guess not. Any proper way to temporarily pause work?
Presuming you're running two console clients... are they running as services or are you running them directly? If they're services, the service should automatically terminate when you shut down and pick up from the same point on restart. If you're running the clients directly by starting them yourself, the proper way is to close each client with CTRL+C. This also goes before you shut down.

If you're running as a service and just want to stop the service without shutting down, go to Start > Run and type services.msc, then find the Folding service and click Stop. Killing the processes in Task Manager tends to be a bad idea, especially the cores as you always lose the WU.
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Are you running as a service or as just an open window? Opening up the task manager and killing the FahCore_xx.exe is always a bad idea becasue it leads to corrupt WUs for which you can't receive anything better than partial credit.
Running both as services. I'll avoid closing them from task manager from now on then. I tried msconfig first but it didn't actually stop them when I unchecked them.
To stop the service, go to Start > Run > services.msc Scroll down to the entries that begin with FAH. Click on them and tell them to Stop. When you want it to start again click Start. This is a safe method.

If ever you are running from an open command window press Ctrl C to stop it properly.
Hmm. No idea why I was trying to use msconfig and not services. Must have been tired. Thanks for pointing that out. :)

Bit miffed at losing the two anyway. They were around 50% done. Ah well, live and learn.
If you're unticked them in msconfig, you'll need to go back and tick them again if you haven't already, as you'll have stopped them running on boot, though they wouldn't have stopped immediately :)
Small followup to all of this. It's been running fine on my PC for a while now, no problems there :cool:

Trying to load it on my Dad's PC now though. He doesn't have it on reliably enough to be meeting deadlines so I set it to request WUs without deadlines in the config. That's the only thing I've setup differently compared to mine. And it's not getting any work :(

Here's what the log says...

[17:57:58] - Will indicate memory of 511 MB
[17:57:58] - Connecting to assignment server
[17:57:58] Connecting to http://assign.stanford.edu:8080/
[17:57:59] Posted data.
[17:57:59] Initial: 40AB; - Successful: assigned to (
[17:57:59] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[17:57:59] Loaded queue successfully.
[17:57:59] Connecting to
[17:58:00] Posted data.
[17:58:00] Initial: 0000; + Could not connect to Work Server
[17:58:00] - Error: Attempt #8 to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.

Any ideas?
Ah yes, there's the problem. There aren't any deadlineless WUs to be had on the server. We've up and crunched them all. :p

Switch it over to regular WUs by running with -configonly and you'll pick up regular work.
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