Helmet removal in shops and the law?

Question: do people with flip-up face helmets get away with just opening the face in shops? Always wondered if they’re more convenient than full face helmets.
Depends on the shop. I think more flip-fronts 'get away' with it, although I still always remove mine.
I do find them more convenient to begin with, especially faffing with glasses. You do need to find one that fits well, though.
I have always taken mine off - in the summer, or winter, as it's quite nice to have a break from it - I also think that leaving on a full face helmet; when paying in shop, is pretty rude. In over 10 years of riding, it's never been an issue for me personally - other than impatient car drivers who beep and creep as you're putting your kit back on (I wear glasses too).

The whole argument about "why should I take this off, when such and such is covering their face with a veil etc" is an interesting one - on face value, you would think that it should be the same rule for both; but that's not the case, as one is worn for personal safety, and the other is a religious garment (to a degree).
For me filling up is always an opportunity to chill out for a minute or so, let my face get a bit of fresh air and relax, then carry on. Only when I delivered pizzas as a teenager did I keep it on during petrol stops.
I leave mine on in petrol stations - haven't been asked to take it off for years. I've also been on a good run at the Channel border control who haven't asked me to take it off for the last few trips.
Depends on the pumps, most of the time I do pay at pumps so leave all my gear on, just remove a glove to get debit card out. If I go into the shop I always remove my lid.

@The_Abyss - I've always been asked to remove my lid at the Channel border control, usually when returning from a trip, going out they don't bother.
I leave mine on in petrol stations - haven't been asked to take it off for years. I've also been on a good run at the Channel border control who haven't asked me to take it off for the last few trips.
But you've one of those flip up helmets, don't you? No wonder why they didn't ask you to take it off :p
When I worked in a filling station years ago, most people would automatically remove their helmets.

For me as a cashier, if it was someone I didn't recognise I'd motion them to remove it before filling. If it was someone I knew (and in a filling station in a small village, this is the vast majority of customers) then I would not.

Plus you get a feel for things.
Scruffy looking oik on a knackered scooter with L Plates? Lid off mate.
Group of riders on classic Nortons and BSAs? Carry on as you are.

I wouldn't ever be surprised if someone to take my helmet off and I'm not convinced it's something that needs to be entrenched in law. Why bring religion into it?
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